Karen Leleand Blogging as a Business Expertise

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(Newswire.net — March 29, 2015) Tampa Bay, FL — Blogging has been around for quite sometime now. People use blogging for many things such as, a personal log of daily events, as way to communicate their thoughts to other people and for business among other things. More and more people,however are using blogs as a way to build a business or bring awareness to a business they already have. One of the foremost experts on blogging to build a business is Karen leleand. With over 25 years in the business world, Karen has help many clients to communicate their message to the public. She has worked all over the world including places in Europe, Asia and South America. She has written books, articles and blogs on business blogging.

Karen is the President and co-founder of the Sterling Consulting Group. She has spent more than 25 years doing communications consulting with executives of Fortune 500 companies. She spent over three years on the Hoffman Board of Directors where she coached the President and senior staff, advised on HR issues and conducted market research. As I mentioned before, Karen has traveled the globe working with companies like Johnson & Johnson, Apple Computer, Xerox, Bank of America, Sprint, AT&T and others. She has written for a wide variety of magazines and newspapers on a variety of subjects, which include, health, lifestyle, travel and of course business. Some of the magazine she has written for are, The Los Angeles Times, The Christian Science Monitor, Self, Woman’s Day and Entrepreneur.

If you are using a blog to expand your business, one of the ways Karen suggests is through Pinterest. One of the ways she suggest you use Pinterest is as a way to get inspiration for new content. Your blog will always need fresh content and you’re not going to always be able to come up with new ideas off the top of your head. There will be times when you will struggle to come up with an idea for a blog post. That’s when Pinterest can be useful. Just do a search for a keyword in your niche and you’ll see loads of topics you can write about on your subject. Another way Karen suggest you can use Pinterest is by following and engaging with the power players of your niche. By commenting on and re-pinning their pins, there’s a chance that they will return the favor. That will then allow your pins to be seen by a bigger audience interested in your niche.

That is just a couple of ways Karen leleand suggest you can use Pinterest to grow your blog. There are others. Also Pinterest is just one helpful tool you can use when doing blogging as a business and Karen knows them all.

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Berny Dohrmann founded CEO Space International more than 25 years ago. Mr. Dohrmann has embraced his vision for entrepreneurial collaboration by giving prospective business leaders the tools and education they need to succeed.

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