Hillary Clinton to Announce Presidential Run Next Week

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(Newswire.net — April 5, 2015)  — Hillary Clinton will be announcing that she will be running in the upcoming presidential election next week. She has begun the process in getting a campaign headquarters set up for herself in Brooklyn New York at 1 Pierrepont Plaza in Brooklyn Heights.


Hillary leased two floors of the building for her campaign and this move shows that she is ready fight for the democratic party to keep its hold on the White House. According to Federal Election Laws, Clinton will have a total of 15 days to file all of the necessary paperwork for the 2016 presidential election.
The campaign is said to begin this month and all of the jobs for the campaign have been selected. This is a very exciting time for the Democratic party and for the presidency. If Hillary succeeds in the election, she will be America’s first woman president. The fact that she would be the first woman president gives her significant favor, but does not guarantee that she will be elected.
Hillary has a strategy in place that involves whining and dining certain endorsers who could potentially increase her chances against the the opposing Republican party. Bill Clinton is fully involved in her campaign and has been sure to notify her that the competition is fierce in the form of Jeb Bush.
Hilary is likely going to be able to enter into the 2016 campaign with next to no opposition from the democratic party even though Vice President Joe Biden has stated that he just might decide to run. 
The Clinton campaign will not be free of substantial concerns and obstacles, but Hilary is well informed of what she faces and is ready to offer solutions. The campaign is working toward fixing any concerns that would stand in their way and are also trying to figure out how best Bill and Chelsea might fit into it.
It is well-known that Hillary Clinton does not like the press nor does she trust them, though she does pay close attention to any news about herself and is sure to be watching anything to do with her presidential campaign just as closely.
There is so much riding on the Clinton 2016 campaign that Democrats are concerned about not having a back-up plan should it fall through. There are, however, at least 21 potential candidates who could run in Hillary’s place so its not something that should be of any great concern.