Sacred SoundWorks Training And Retreat Now Open

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( — April 18, 2015)  Seattle, WA – According to the science of sound healing, each living organism has its own unique vibratory rate and resonant frequency.  The cells in the bodies of organisms enjoy these frequencies and vibrations.  Using the sound principle of resonance, it is possible to heal bodies and return them to their optimum state of functioning.

New research is affirming that the voice has healing power.  By changing the patterns in voices the frequencies of brain waves are also altered, both reducing and healing illnesses.  Learning how to use the voice as an instrument for healing is powerful, considering that it is something that is accessible to nearly every human on the planet.

According to Sufi wisdom, “The voice is the only instrument made by God. All other instruments were made by man.”  Vickie Dodd, a pioneer in the world of sound healing, would agree.

Dodd, who is leading a Sacred SoundWorks Retreat this June in Washington State, uses sound to dissolve emotional memories held in the physical body using the harmonics of the rainforest, waterfalls, and a glacier-fed mountain lake to facilitate spiritual solution.

This summer, the sixth year of holding this special event, the sound healing retreat will focus on the basic principles of sound healing – learning how to listen in order to expand the senses, understanding how to empty the mind to find quiet – as well as other useful healing tools like balancing chakras, self-tuning, and restoring and resetting the parasympathetic nervous system.

Dodd says that, “This retreat will focus on the physical terrain of listening, digesting and assimilating ways our voices change and create our perceptions. “

To learn more about sound healing and to register for the Sacred SoundWorks retreat and training visit:

Vickie Dodd, Director of Sound Body Productions

PO Box 1074, Port Angeles, WA 98362​​

Retreat Registration:
