Polish Politician Claims Maidan Snipers Trained as a Favor to the US

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(Newswire.net — April 24, 2015) Salt Lake City, Utah — Warszava, Poland – On February 20, 2014, anti-riot police tried to restrain anti-government demonstrators on Kiev’s main Independence square, so called the Maidan protests. Suddenly, shots was fired. Witnesses claimed that snipers were randomly shooting at the people fleeing from the street. However, there was nothing random about the incident. 60 people were killed on both sides, 20 police officers and 40 civilians, which escalated the already violent confrontation into an armed coup, Russia Today reported.

To stop the violence, Ukraine president Yanukovych stepped down, and after brief a election, a new pro-NATO government started ruling the country.

The current Ukrainian government accused three police officers under Yanukovych’s control of being behind the killings. Mainstream Western media have been supportive of that narrative, saying the ousted President Viktor Yanukovich or someone in his security forces gave the order to fire live ammo at protesters in order to suppress the riots.

More than a year after, Polish former presidential candidate Janusz Korwin-Mikke told Wiadomosci media outlet Euro-MP claimed in an interview that Maidan’s snipers were trained in Poland and sent to Ukraine to “do a favor” for the US.

Asked if he believes it was the CIA’s black-op, Korwin-Mikke, 72, a European lawmaker and leader of Poland’s conservative KORWiN party, confirmed.

“Yes – but it was also our operation. The snipers were trained in Poland,” Korwin-Mikke said adding this was done “to provoke riots.”

Korwin-Mikke claims that Poland trained those “terrorists” to please the US, since they had invested heavily into the Ukrainian coup.

“Let me say this again: we are doing a favor to Washington,” Korwin-Mikke said.

When journalist  Wiadomosci asked for proof, the Polish politician claimed he overheard this in the European Parliament as Estonia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Urmas Paet “admitted” to the then-EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton that it was “our people who opened fire on Maidan, not those of Yanukovich or Putin.” Covering the story, Russia Today published that conversation with Catherine Ashton, which leaked to public.

“There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition,” Paet said during the call.

“I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh,” Ashton then answered. The Estonian Foreign Minister later confirmed the authenticity of the talk.

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