5 Natural Ways to Get Fleas out of Your Home

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(Newswire.net — February 18, 2016) — Once fleas find their way into your home, you can’t get rid of them. These little pests jump all over the place. Your dog is scratching. You’re scratching. Life becomes hell. Getting rid of fleas can be a hassle, but you do not have resort to expensive and toxic chemical warfare in order to free yourself from the bloodsucking menace.

Why do Fleas Never Seem to Go Away?

Most flea infestations are long term because the root of the problem isn’t taken care of: the eggs. Chemical bombs will offer a one-time solution, and will kill matured insects; but they don’t offer a constant deterrent to your flea problems.

The solution may be more natural. Over time, sticking to these five tried-and-true homemade methods will rid your home of fleas, and consistent application will take care of newly hatched larva by stopping them before they mature and mate.

Grooming with Lemon Water

Fleas hate acidity. It’s your best weapon. The acidity in lemons is non-toxic to humans, cats and dogs, but it is extremely deadly to fleas. It is recommended to comb through your pet’s coat with a brush charged with lemon water.

To do this, you need only a brush, a pot of water, a heat source, and of course your lemons. Simply bring water to a boil and then remove it from the stove. Steep some freshly cut lemons into the water and let it sit overnight. The next day, dip your brush into the water and comb through your pet’s fur. Repeat this process as necessary, and watch your fleas flee.

Changing Diets by Adding Vinegar to Water

Have you ever wondered why some people and animals seem immune to fleas? It might be their diet.

Changing your pet’s diet may also be in order. Adding tiny amounts of vinegar to their water will allow their body to absorb the acidity from the vinegar. When a flea latches on and starts sucking blood, the new found acidity in your pet’s bloodstream will kill the parasites.

Homemade Bug Repellents

You can make a natural bug spray using the above mentioned methods. Simply dilute vinegar or lemon juice with water and load a spray bottle with the solution. It may be unpleasant for your pet, but a few quick sprays will cover their coat with a harmless flea repellent that will stay with them for a good portion of the day. It is harmless to humans, so you can safely apply this solution to yourself as well.

Using Sea Salt as a Deterrent

Fleas have tiny bodies, but their tiny bodies need moisture just like ours do. Salting infested areas and clothes can be an option for taking care of areas that are suspect of being breeding grounds for fleas. The salt quickly dries out the fleas and kills them.

Powdered salts, or salt that has been ground up into a fine powder, can be sprinkled around your house. Apply it to your furniture, clothes, blankets and whatever else. Vacuum the powder up after you are sure that the fleas have been exposed to the salts, or you might find you and your pet itching from the salt irritating your skin rather than the fleas.


Fleas are naturally attracted to light, similar to moths; and this is something you can use to your advantage. Placing soapy water in dishes around your home is an effective way to capture, and kill, pests. Once they hop into the water, the soap will trap them so that they can’t jump out. It is possible to use vinegar-diluted water or lemon water for the same results.

A favorite trap involves placing plastic wrap over a solution-filled mason jar and then poking tiny holes into the plastic. The holes are small enough that the bugs will be able to find their way inside, but once they get inside they won’t be able to escape.

With any trap, consistent monitoring is key to a successful handling of fleas. Empty your traps once they have caught several bugs, and make sure to refill them with your chosen solution on a regular basis.


About UtraPro Pest Protection:

With over 30 years of experience in eliminating bed bugs, termites, and rodents, UltraPro Pest Protection is emerging as New York and New Jersey’s leading pest control service for homeowners and commercial businesses.

For more information, visit ultrapropestcontrol.com or the UltraPro Pest Protection page.


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