Six Tips for Creating Smart Businesses

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( — September 2, 2016) –Only those who reinvent themselves every day, they survive in the competitive society. The same applies to organizations, only learning from their mistakes last over time. contacted Hugo Ocampo, manager of Human Resources Management of Open International Systems Corp. for indagarle about organizations of the future.

Ocampo does not hesitate to ensure that the technology should become an ally and learning tool in organizations for both companies and professionals continually grow.
Believe in technology

Technology becomes a valuable backbone of the organization to conceive work together, communication and knowledge production, a powerful tool to promote learning processes. Never leave adrift.
Apuéstele culture

The learning culture in an organization can be enhanced with the use of the latest technological tools such as e-learning or e-learnings, build learning communities through internal social networks, blogs, forums and platforms where employees have the opportunity to approve their knowledge, upgrade and build new knowledge from collaborative work, creating connections with a high level of competitiveness, making the knowledge grows and flow naturally.
breaking paradigms

Train employees but not allow them to use what they know. Create a culture of sharing and deploy knowledge, but each store it or learn through each of the projects, but not communicate experiences; breaks the direction of transfer has become more than required, which need imminent.
Motive transfer

When organizations break these paradigms approached from another perspective knowledge management and begin to understand this concept as a key to generate a valid level dialogue to facilitate the transfer of knowledge resource. Knowledge management alone does not constitute a substantial change in the organization, it must be accompanied by an interdisciplinary work areas of the company with mechanisms, methodologies and technological tools that facilitate applicative.
Learn to learn

Smart organizations are those that “learning to learn” by people preparing and easily adapt to new social and professional environments.

According to Ocampo, only with a virtual education program called Opensky, implemented since his company have been certified employees, including professional seedbeds, achieving high participation in the process of updating personnel, so recommends organizations not be interested indifferent to such initiatives because it potentiates the organization, and of course pass professionals.
Manage knowledge

The new generation of professionals that come from being formed in a scheme of conceptual autonomy addressed with all means and capabilities appropriate dialogue, are those who manage the real organizational change and allows for a condition of continuous learning to ensure that knowledge flow in the right direction.

If you are an entrepreneur or want to start a business project, do not miss these tips, maybe that’s the secret of success ahead.