Finding the Cure for Racism

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( — August 21, 2017) Pittsburgh, PA — While the talk about removing statues, Nazi’s, Antifa and Nationalism gone bad is all the rage, perhaps it is time to ask questions instead of tearing down monuments.

Is racism treatable… even if it is not a disease?

Certainly, the melatonin levels in our skin does not increase or decrease the value of a human being. In the 21st century, there is no room for any debate that would support judging a person based on race.

But that does not mean questions, discussions and ideas should be quashed outright.

  • “Where does racism come from?”
  • “Can racism be reversed?”
  • “Is racism on the increase?” If so, why?

And, if racism can increase, the logical extension is that it can also be decreased.


According to one counselor, Sara Makin, from Makin Wellness, “Due to the psychological nature of racism, it can be tough for someone to change their entire belief system in one short conversation with anyone… even a person of stature like a doctor.”

Racism is not a disease, per say. However, it is not a natural state either. Racism is easily described as an imprinted belief system by family, peers or society. As such, whatever social communication that created it, can also be used to eradicate it.

How quickly?

If we use America as a benchmark, we can easily look at major events in our past that showed it took about 100 years from the outbreak of the Civil War to the installation of Civil rights policies that took a major bite out of racism.

Current events aside (Charlottesville protesters), the United States has shown great steps in reducing racism and even eliminating racism. Our popular culture and advertising would never show a black couple in a life insurance ad even 50 years ago, let alone appoint them to the Supreme Court.

With national icons like Halle Berry, Denzel Washington, Clarence Thomas and Michael Jordan (Sorry Tiger Woods) the nation as a whole has become colorblind.

Now, we’ve had a 2-term black President and you can find inter-racial couples in every major city.

What about the protests?

In Venezuela, economic protests inspired tens of thousands of people. In Charlottesville, tragic deaths aside, less than 100 White Nationalists were marching. While there continues to be a racism challenge in the USA and many parts of the world, it is a small problem compared to financial hardship, political corruption, cancer or war.

The White Nationalists in the USA are a very small minority.

How do we, as a society continue to reduce and eliminate racism? Our laws, media and advertising have certainly made great strides to crush discrimination, but when the belief system of racism stems from the home, other sources should be brought to bear.

Makin went on, “Most medical doctors are not even considered when it comes to helping a person with their beliefs, even though many are often the brunt of this discrimination.”

Makin refers to a medical doctor, Esther Cho, from Oregon, who recently tweeted,

“This is something that will take much time, effort, and motivation from the supremacist who would like to change their ways,” added Makin.

Racism is still a problem, of course. While our integrated society has made great strides, giving people the perspective that we are all equal may be a daily push for years to come.

Yes… it is “treatable” and everyone’s words and actions are part of that cure.


Sara Makin

239 Fourth Avenue
Suite 1801
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
United States