Things to Consider When Shopping For a Nano Drone

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( — November 11, 2017) — When the first drone was released on the market, consumers were very intrigued. While these consumers may not have ran out there to purchase a drone, they were definitely interested enough to start researching. Today, thousands of people have invested in drones and others are contemplating following in suit. If you are still contemplating, you will need to explore your options and do research on each of them, before making an investment. Below, you will discover more information and some news about the miniature drone.

Know What You Are Buying

Before you invest your hard-earned money in a new drone, you should know exactly what you are buying first. Not only do you need to be familiar with the drone’s size, but also its motor, prop, electronic speed control, camera and frame. All of these components play a major role in how well the drone will perform. If it is lacking in any aspect, it may not have the ability to fly long distances or capture images of the view. If you fail to research each component, along with the size of every model available on the market, you may end up regretting your decision later on down the road.

Know What It Will Be Used For

It is only normal for a large drone to cost more than a miniature drone. If you are looking for a drone to fly over a sporting event to capture pictures, you should expect to pay more than you would for a mini drone. If you are looking for a model to utilize inside your home, the mini drone will work perfect and will not cost you a fortune.

The Growing Commercial Drone Market

As you likely already know, the drone market has continued to grow enormously during the past few years. In 2016, it was estimated that the drone market generated roughly $1,000 million. It is expected to increase tenfold over the coming years. By 2024, it is believed that the market will account for $3,551 in revenue. Unmanned aerial vehicles or drones have found a place in many modern industries, including law enforcement, surveillance, real estate, and even farming. In 2016, the government sector generated the highest amount of revenue for the drone market.

Mini-drones have proven to be very popular for surveillance and law enforcement. This trend is likely to continue well into the future.

India Regulations

This year, the Indian government took steps to begin regulating the manufacture, sale and operation of drones in the country. These regulations will cover personal and commercial use of drones. The Indian government expects the official Civil Aviation Requirements for drones to be set in stone by the end of December. Once this happens, drones will be classified by numerous factors, including their weight. Under these new regulations, nano drones will weigh 250 grams or less. Others would be referred to as micro, mini, and small.

The regulations also place stipulations on the usage of drones in India. For instance, they can only be operated within a 5-kilometer radius of an airport and within 50 kilometers from an international border. Suffice to say, drone operators in India will need to familiarize themselves with these new laws as early as possible, so they do not get fines for improper use.