Why Athletes Wear Nasal Strips

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(Newswire.net — December 11, 2017) Cheyenne, Wyoming — It’s a common sight to see nasal strips paste across an athlete’s nostrils, especially when it comes to American footballers, but what’s the benefit of it? Turns out that breathing properly is essential for performing exceptionally in sports and nasal strips support maximum oxygen intake.

“Studies indicate that they are useful in increasing nasal cavity volume in the front three centimeters of the human nose, and for that purpose could be an alternative to decongestive nose sprays,” says Wikipedia. “Subjects wearing the strips in tests indicated that they believed that the strips helped them breathe more easily, and they are of particular interest to those athletes who have to wear a mouth guard and need to be able to breathe more through their nostrils than their mouths.”

Athletes in search of ways to naturally enhance their performance often use dilators such as the HealthyWiser™ Breathe-IN™ which is non-invasive, and more importantly, drug-free. Many successful and decorated people of the sports world, namely English long-distance runner Paula Radcliffe, have testified that dyspnea or shortness of breath is reduced during training and exercise while wearing a nasal strip. 

“Originally invented to prevent snoring, American footballers turned them into an athletic accessory in the mid-1990s,” says The Guardian. “They were soon seen on tennis courts and athletic tracks.”

As athletes began feeling the difference in breathing, nasal strips have wondered out of the bedroom and boldly into the sporting arena. A decrease in airflow resistance was found in an experiment conducted on healthy male athletes to ascertain the effects nasal breathing strips have on how the lungs perform and oxygen absorption. This showed that there was better air ventilation taking place even during very intense exercise.

By deliberately widening the sides of the nasal cavity, more exchanged oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange could occur thereby improving the efficiency of the cardiovascular system. 

The 50 pack of soft tan Breathe-IN™ nasal strip by HealthyWiser™ is a practical and inexpensive decongestion application that is guaranteed to provide you with unrestricted breathing and improve airflow to the nasal passage. So we conclude in the words of Paula Radcliffe, three-time New York Marathon Champion (2004, 2007, 2008), “of course it works, it opens up the airways.”

About HealthyWiser LLC

HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and premium dietary supplement brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about Breathe-IN™ Nasal Strips on Amazon.

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