Al-Qaeda Calls For the Killing of Bill Gates And Other US Businessmen

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( — May 19, 2016) —In Al-Qaeda’s online magazine Inspire, the terrorist organization calls on its followers for “Professional Assassinations”.

This article has a image of a hooded man watching a luxury house from the outside at night, and also includes a photo montage showing Microsoft founder Bill Gates covered with blood and a gun laid over him.

The goal of targeted “Professional Assassinations” is to damage the US economy by killing high-profile, leading American businessmen and entrepreneurs such as the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates.

The article explains that the lifeline of big countries is its economy, and the economy is based upon the economic institutions and companies that hold it up. These institutions and companies are led by groups of individuals who are essential to the economy, reports Daily Mail.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which had access to a copy of the magazine, said that the article presents detailed information on the preparation and carrying out of targeted killings, reports Sky News.

Inspire editor Yahya Ibrahim said in the magazine that groups of extremists are resolved to attack and kill US citizens on United States soil.

The editor also said that the prophet ordered the killings of many criminal leaders using this method, and that they are following the footsteps of the prophet on how he dealt with his enemies.

Ibrahim added that Al-Qaeda will not put down their weapons until they fulfill what Allah wants from them.

The intention of the article is to encourage so-called ‘lone wolf’ attacks on intelligentsia, economic and influential personalities of America.

The latest edition of the terror group’s online magazine Inspire also has an article with instructions on how to make bombs, and calls on radical Islamic terrorists to imitate the Palestinian street-killings of Jews in the US.

The magazine is produced by Al-Qaeda’s main affiliate in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is based in Yemen. They said that its priority is attacks on United States soil.