(Newswire.net — October 1, 2016) — Maybe love is made to last in the movies, but elsewhere it’s only for a season. Ever wondered how the chips fall after a divorce? Who generally gets the lion’s share? Let’s take a look at 5 of the most high profile divorces of the last 10 years and break them down.
1. Brangelina = Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Their combined fortunes amount to $400 million. But a pre-nup agreement signed before their marriage means that they have one less thing to fight over. Angelina has filed for full physical custody of their children, while allowing for joint legal custody. It has yet to be seen how this will play out, but we do know that overall mothers more often get primary custody than fathers do. (The rates are 68 to 88 percent of the time.) While it might seem callous to mention, there is also public relations fallout to manage when going through a public divorce. Particularly in the case of celebrities who rely on their image to guarantee continued work, this too is at stake. Prior to the divorce, both partners were considered dedicated family people. After their divorce? Only time will tell…
2. Amber Heard and Johnny Depp
A split after only 15 months of marriage is not even one for the record books in Tinsel town. But what it does mean is that the settlement is considerably less than what other high-profile divorces often reach. In their case, Amber Heard received a settlement of $7 million, which she has decided to donate to charity. This settlement was reached after allegations that Depp had been physically abusive. And rumors that Heard was having an affair. Prior to the settlement, photos had surfaced of Heard’s bruised face. However, sources close to Depp, countered that this was a blackmail attempt. After the Brangelina split, this remains one of the most talked about divorces of 2016.
3. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
If one were to consider the most shocking divorce of the last decade, enter Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Their split occurred when Katie Holmes left her husband of 5 years in 2012 with her 8 year old daughter. Due to a signed pre-nup agreement before their marriage, Katie Holmes only left with $400,000 per year in child support. A judge could have ordered more of Tom Cruise’s $250 million net worth be allocated to his daughter. But in the end, Holmes decided to move through proceedings quickly. TMZ reported that Holmes wanted nothing other than a divorce from Cruise, which she achieved.
4. Guy Ritchie and Madonna
After being married for 8 years, they called it quits in 2008. For a year prior to their split, tensions were strained between the two, apparent through comments made to the media that both were unhappy. Therefore, the split in 2008 did not come as a surprise. According to reports, Guy Ritchie received between £50 to £60 million, which includes the net worth of property in England. They share joint custody of the two children from their marriage. While Madonna keeps full custody of her daughter from a previous marriage.
5. Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin
Married for 10 years, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin divorced in 2014. Their split, while high profile, is an amicable one, shown by what they called it: “conscious uncoupling.” Apparently, they and their children still vacation together, and Martin is a frequent guest at Paltrow’s house. Both partners agreed to privately divide up their assets, share join custody, and never ask the other for spousal support. The two claim they are still a family, although they are no longer a couple. While divorce can be an ugly process, it can also be handled with grace, thought, and care. Something to aim for particularly when there are children involved. These two gave us both couple goals, and now something to aspire to if we are ever faced with a split.