(Newswire.net — April 21, 2020) —
Financial technology has undergone significant changes over the past few decades. Credit cards were a major revolution, as it opened up a new way for people to spend money. Then, they could start paying for goods and services over the internet. Now, it appears that another revolution in the world of financial technology is coming as well, thanks to the hard and dedicated work of Dr. Gerwin Schalk and his team at Helios. Now, the next wave of financial technology is going to focus on the power of the human voice.
Helios seeks to take an alternative approach to the alpha generation. Helios has dedicated itself to helping investors find novel sources of growth that help investors outpace the rest of the market. Helios accomplished this mission by looking for areas of untapped opportunity. It appears they have discovered one in the form of the human voice. Much of human communication is done through not necessarily words and phrases but the tone of the human voice itself. Intonation is not something that is picked up by traditional voice analysis technology. This is where Helios and Dr. Gerwin Schalk come in. They have developed a novel product that uses advanced voice and AI technology to add a new level of understanding.
The applicability of this technology in the financial world is significant. This is a product that is going to predict the future of a stock and company by analyzing voice recordings that are conducted on earnings calls, which is typically when the price of a stock moves the most. Comprehend has the ability to analyze earnings calls and deliver both quantitative and qualitative summaries, helping investors make more accurate trading decisions while, quite literally, reading between the lines.
The product was developed by Dr. Gerwin Schalk and his team using 26 separate voice characteristics taken from various people in historical earnings calls. Then, this historical data was translated into technology that can be used to add a new layer of decision-making when it comes to stock trading. The technology is able to identify unique distress signals, helping investors interpret what company leaders are saying in a new way. Dr. Gerwin Schalk and his team have been working hard to develop technology that will interpret how something was said, helping investors make more accurate decisions. Comprehend has the potential to change trading entirely through the power of voice.