(Newswire.net — April 21, 2020) —
Without a doubt, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has impacted just about every sector of the economy. In most parts of the country, all businesses that have been deemed non-essential have been forced to close. This leaves grocery stores, pharmacies, government institutions, and the healthcare sector as the few parts of the country that are still left open. This has caused many people to turn to the internet for products and services they would traditionally purchase at physical locations. With virtually the entire media, including sports media, turning their focus to the pandemic, this has caused the general public to do everything they possibly can to stay safe.
This includes wearing masks in public, observing social distancing measures, and even wearing gloves to go grocery shopping. In some cases, this is being taken too far. The health supplements market has seen a massive growth in its sales since the pandemic started. People can now order Kratom online with ease. While experts are encouraging people to eat well and exercise during the pandemic in order to stay safe, there are also dubious reports out there that claim certain health supplements can cure COVID-19. Yes, it is good for people to take the required amounts of vitamin C along with other minerals and vitamins to keep the immune system strong, this is not the same thing as killing the coronavirus. While it is understandable that people want to do everything they possibly can to kill this virus, it is important for people to note that this is very different than a cure for this pandemic.
It is critical for people to observe the labels on every health supplement they purchase, understand how it works, and the benefits it can provide says jasondmills.com. Too much of a good thing can still be a bad thing. Vitamins A, D, C, iron, and zinc are important for keeping the immune system strong. On the other hand, it is also important to note that overdoses can lead to permanent damage. For example, an overdose of nasal zinc can cause someone to lose his or her sense of smell. Too much iron can lead to serious GI problems. Iron may even deposit in the joints, leading to symptoms that are similar in nature to arthritis. Overdoses of certain vitamins can lead to symptoms as well.
Right now, the COVID-19 pandemic has given a massive boost to the world of health supplements. It is great to see that people want to take care of their health. At the same time, people need to do this safely. This starts with understanding how supplements work, how to take them safely, and proper patient education.