(Newswire.net — November 2, 2022) — One of the major things that you must remember is that there are many drugs out there in this world and some of them are not good for your health. However, some drugs will make alterations in your brain and body.
These are the top 10 most dangerous drugs that not only cost you your life and dignity but also your family and friends.
This synthetic opioid is 100x stronger than morphine. It works on your brain to change specifically how your body reacts to pain.
Fentanyl can cause some serious side effects for those prescribed it and even more so for those who take it without knowledge. Drug dealers sometimes mix other drugs with fentanyl to increase profits, making people take a potentially stronger drug that they’re not prepared for.
Being an opioid, fentanyl can easily lead to addiction and death. With various warnings like addiction, trouble breathing, newborn withdrawal, dangerous withdrawal symptoms, and even the dangers of exposure to heat leading to overdose, fentanyl is one of the drugs to avoid at all costs.
Synthetic Cannabinoids (Fake Weed)
Synthetic Cannabinoids often mistakenly called fake weed or synthetic marijuana share similar mind-altering chemicals and are often marketed as safer.
The dangers of this synthetic drug also called K2 or Spice is real and scary. Think about needing to be put in a medically induced coma and suffering multiple strokes causing severe brain injury.
The misnomer ‘safe marijuana’ is incredibly misleading as this drug is linked to strokes, psychotic and suicidal tendencies, and kidney damage.
The more intense physiological responses lead to higher rates of abuse and addiction and intense and dangerous withdrawal symptoms.
Another synthetic drug on the list, methamphetamines are stimulants and highly addictive. With effects on the central nervous system and how the brain functions over time, methamphetamine-caused deaths have drastically increased over the last few years.
In California, hospitalizations for heart failure caused by methamphetamine usage have increased by 585 percent over 10 years.
In the same 10-year period, methamphetamine overdoses also jumped nearly 500 percent.
Even worse? Recovery from meth addiction is difficult enough that insurance companies are less likely to cover treatment programs.
Heroin is made from the historic painkiller, morphine and comes with serious health complications and additional usage risks like aids and hepatitis.
With the lockdown on prescription opioids, 80% of new heroin users are turning to illicit drugs after having abused prescription opioids. According to the CDC, heroin use has more than doubled.
With hefty effects and withdrawal setting in after 6 to 12 hours, heroin is highly addictive and can very quickly turn into dependency.
Dangers of heroin use include overdose and death, infectious diseases, and permanent damage to the lungs, liver, kidneys, and brain.
With increasing rates of high tolerance, Oxycontin, the most prescribed opioid painkiller, has a high risk of dependency and abuse.
The need for higher and higher doses to gain any effect exponentially increases the risks of overdose and death. Within a few minutes of overdose, a user may stop breathing.
Other dangers:
- Impaired cognitive functions
- Impaired motor functions
- Slowed heart rate
- Increase in risk of liver and kidney disease
With these dangers, the difficulty and dangers of withdrawal, treatment centers like Gallus Detox are there to help break from the chains of opioid addiction.
Methadone was developed as a synthetic treatment option for morphine and heroin addiction.
While it lessens those painful withdrawal symptoms and simultaneously blocks the physiological effects of opioids, it was still involved in overdose deaths according to the CDC.
Methadone depresses the central nervous system and when combined with other depressants like benzodiazepines and alcohol, this can lead to dangerous side effects and potential death.
While developed as a treatment option, this drug very quickly turned into a potential addiction and is especially dangerous when used beyond its intended use and in non-prescription amounts.
Crack Cocaine
This recreational drug is also known as ‘blow’ and ‘coke’ and has powerful stimulant effects.
Highly addictive due to its strong physiological effects, cocaine is associated with long-term health risks like heart disease, high blood pressure, organ failure, respiratory distress, stroke, drastic weight loss, and even seizures.
Accidental overdose deaths are on the rise and account for 20% of overdose deaths in 2019.
In addition, this is a drug you should never stop cold turkey. The withdrawal symptoms are highly dangerous and should be monitored by health professionals or treatment centers.
Yes, alcohol is a dangerous drug. With incredible accessibility, extensive health problems, and injuries, alcohol is one of the more dangerous addictions.
Side effects of alcohol abuse:
- Cancer
- Liver damage
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Fetal damage
- Increases the risk of suicide
- Increases instances of violence
- Increases chances of motor vehicle accidents
Like many other drugs on this list, detoxing from alcohol abuse and the subsequent withdrawal symptoms can be deadly and should not be done alone.
This prescription opioid can take as little as 3 days to become an addiction.
Combining morphine with alcohol, drugs that contain alcohol whether prescription or non-prescription, or street drugs can increase your risks of severe breathing problems, overdose, and death.
Even when used as prescribed by a medical professional, morphine can easily turn into an addiction and dependency situation.
Xanax (Alprazolam)
As one of the most popular benzodiazepine drugs prescribed for insomnia and anxiety disorders, Xanax can be highly addictive.
Recreational use of Xanax is on the rise and can lead to delirium, increased risk of dementia, psychosis, and cognitive impairment.
Like many other drugs, users can develop a tolerance and must take more and more to feel the desired effects leading to dangerous and even deadly overdoses.
Takeaway: these drugs can cause harm to the human body
Even with the growing popularity of these drugs for recreational purposes, it is understood that these drugs are extremely harmful to one’s health, and therefore should be always avoided.
Thus, for those who have been abusing drugs for recreational purposes or even for prescriptions, it is strongly suggested that they seek help to get over the addiction.