(Newswire.net — January 25, 2017) — Getting injured means loss of wages, mobility and – in certain unfortunate situations – loss of life. While we cannot stop the actions of others, we can certainly litigate against the individuals or companies that make our lives more difficult. That litigation, starts with understanding the legal definition of “injury,” how due process works and projected outcomes of litigation by personal injury attorneys.
Here are some common injuries and various actions, that people unknowingly take.
Assuming personal injuries are only physical
There are numerous personal injuries that can occur daily that many aren’t aware of.
Pharmaceutical companies that fail to disclose potential deadly side effects of medicine could injure an individual. Commercial vehicles, a bigger culprit of personal injuries against people, will always top the list of business-versus-person accidents. Restaurants that mishandle food would be another example. The list of harms that qualify as ‘personal injuries’ goes on forever.
By legal definition, if a person or business was involved in an altercation (even on paper) and the actions or objects of individuals caused harm or distress, a personal injury took place and should be properly compensated. An attorney will tell you that personal injuries are more than crimes against the body.
Believe that companies will settle fairly
Lawyers are often embroiled in heated debates with serious offshore injury construction and transportation companies because they often are liable for worker’s injuries, yet frequently deny liability. This would agitate even the meekest individual.
Case in point: Truck crashes are a common problem in the United States. Unfortunately, as more and more logistics firms choose to ship products in unsecured containers, or harbor uneven loads in improperly-maintained vehicles, the risk of personal injury will rise. Intoxicants and other self-induced methods of destruction also aid truck crashes – many of which companies will deny any involvement in, even when evidence to the contrary is overwhelming.
Companies do not have your best interests at heart. Sure, they may or may not admit wrongdoing, but paying individuals for whatever problems were caused by their people, places or things, isn’t their first goal. No company will profess their willingness to settle at-fault accidents fairly, regardless of the seriousness of the accident.
Reporting incident to wrong people
Often people fear that whatever incident they were involved in will ruin their reputation, get them in trouble, increase their insurance premiums, and cost them more than they can afford. These aren’t uncommon feelings, but remember that only two groups of people need to be informed: the police and your attorney.
First, any incident regarding harm to you or your personal belongings should be reported to the police and then your attorney, who can begin immediately working on settling the issue. Any incidents regarding ingesting something harmful will be reported to police by hospitals if it was done maliciously. Finally, any other type of personal injury not otherwise noted should be reported to your attorney, who can guide you towards any other authorities who need the information.
Believing attorneys can’t spot fictitious claims
Many personal-injury lawyers find themselves presented with a whole range of new stories every day, and they will try hard to secure the financial relief their clients deserve while reducing unneeded delays in securing an out-of-court settlement. However, every so often, claims come up that — although creative in their approach — are simply bizarre.
We feel this is noteworthy: personal injuries are serious matters that take an emotional toll, can be financially disastrous and tend to drag on for unnecessary periods of time. They waste the attorney’s time, your money and resources, and could possibly end up being unfruitful if taken to trial. Filing fictitious claims is illegal, and they are quite frankly a mockery.
Humans have the right to feel safe in their vehicles, homes or in public settings. They have the right to pursue financial compensation for wrongdoings imposed upon them. Never take matters into your own hands – often called ‘revenge’ – because personal injuries could quickly turn into criminal proceedings if one tries to retaliate.
Getting into a head-on collision or being extorted and harassed are not pleasant situations to be in, and they are considered a ‘personal injury’ of sorts. You might end up dealing with annoying phone calls from people you barely know who want to talk to you about things that you never even did in the first place.
It’s important that anyone who feels they’ve been personally injured immediately reports the injury to authorities or their attorney. If fear exists, go directly to an attorney who’ll then assist in filing the proper reports and getting you any money owed for distress and pain.