(Newswire.net — April 20, 2020) — About 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders, and there is some evidence to prove that that number is quickly climbing. Consequently, millions of adults are seeking solutions to their acute or chronic anxiety, and with mixed success. Unfortunately, treatment and therapy options for anxiety are not one-size-fits-all, and patients often try several different types of treatment before finding one that works for them.
Still, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for individuals living with anxiety. For example, there are many stress coping skills and methods that anyone can learn and master to help quell panic attacks. Supplements, medications, and professional therapy can also help.
Keep reading to discover some of the most helpful tips on how to deal with anxiety.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a completely natural and healthy feeling that arises during times of stress. It is often recognized as feelings of extreme, illogical fear or doubt. Many people feel anxious before a job interview, the birth of a child, or a dangerous medical procedure.
This sensation is a huge part of the fight-or-flight response. In early humans, it allowed us to overcome huge stressors by either “fighting” them or by running away from them. This ancient psychological phenomenon can be intrusive or debilitating in some, resulting in anxiety disorders.
When an individual suffers from an anxiety disorder, they are no longer able to calm their fears and anxieties, even after considerable reassurance. Feelings of uncertainty or terror can begin to influence decision-making, resulting in anti-social behavior or negative habits.
The symptoms of anxiety vary in intensity from person to person, though there are some commonalities to watch out for.
Symptoms of Anxiety
The most common symptoms of anxiety include:
- Rapid heart rate and breathing
- Difficulty focusing or falling asleep
- A pervasive feeling of restlessness
- Feeling breathless; Hyperventilation
- Dizziness
- Extreme fear
- Sweating
Generalized anxiety typically presents itself as mild breathing and heart rate issues, though individuals may experience heightened symptoms during panic attacks. Learning how to combat stress and prevent overwhelming and debilitating panic attacks is crucial.
Check out these tips and tricks that can help anyone learn how to deal with an anxiety attack.
Living With Anxiety: 8 Healing Tips and Tricks
There are lots of things that anxiety sufferers can do to relieve feelings of overwhelming fear, sadness, or confusion. Something as simple as taking a walk can help, but for those who require stronger therapy, medication may be the best option.
Here are some fantastic tips and tricks to help heal any anxious individual.
1. Take a Walk
Sometimes the key to a calmer mind comes in simple packages. Leaving your home to safely take a walk is a great way to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. There’s some science to support that sunshine and fresh air are an excellent way to immediately lessen feelings of anxiety associated with mood disorders.
So the next time you’re feeling a wave of anxiety about to engulf you, try taking a short walk around the neighborhood. You may be surprised at just how much it can help calm your mind and help you focus on the positives.
2. Breathe Deeply
There are several helpful breathing exercises that may help lessen or relieve symptoms of anxiety. Typically, these types of exercises focus on training the individual to breathe slowly and deeply. Anxiety naturally triggers faster, more shallow breathing which can lead to hyperventilation.
By practicing breathing exercises at the first sign of anxiety, many individuals can immediately curb stress levels and begin to experience sweet relief. Practice makes perfect, though, so it’s important to stay consistent with these exercises.
3. Avoid Triggers
There are plenty of things that can trigger stress and anxiety. Some are unavoidable, such as necessary social situations, but others can be restricted or eliminated. For example, both alcohol and caffeine are known triggers for those with anxiety disorders.
Limiting your intake of sugars, caffeine, or alcohol can help lessen the chance of experiencing an anxiety attack. Essentially, any food or beverage that acts as a sedative or a stimulant should be avoided.
4. Consider Medication
Fortunately, there are quite a few effective anti-anxiety medications on the market that can help individuals find mental balance. These pharmaceuticals are proven to help with feelings of overwhelming anxiety and stress. Buy Neurontin today to experience the powerful medicinal effects of stress-relieving medication.
5. Invest in Supplements
In addition to strong medicines, anxiety sufferers can also choose to invest in nutritional supplements to help ease their symptoms. Passionflower, Valerian Root, GABA, and more may help increase serotonin production and limit feelings of stress and anxiety.
Of course, eating balanced, nutritional meals is also a fantastic way of improving overall physical and mental health.
6. Learn to Meditate
Meditation can help individuals find solace from negative thoughts, and achieve a greater sense of well-being. This is especially true when meditation becomes a habit rather than a boring task. Those with anxiety disorders tend to benefit immensely from practicing positive thinking and daily meditation, especially before bedtime and after waking up.
7. Distance From Social Media
Social media is a fantastic tool, but it can have negative effects on an individual’s mental health. Those who spend several hours on social media each day may benefit from a “digital detox” that allows them both distance and time away from their accounts.
The constant flood of information that social media provides can be overwhelming and trigger feelings of anxiety or stress. Sometimes, it’s a good idea to take a short break from it.
8. Accept and Move On
Sometimes, there are stressors in life that cannot be changed or altered. These issues may feel unfixable, but this is often untrue. When dealing with anxiety-inducing stressors that you cannot change, it may be best to accept that you are helpless to change them and to move on to things you can control and change.
For example, an individual may have an employer who consistently makes them feel bad about themselves. This individual may feel they have no recourse and no ability to find a better job elsewhere. Still, with patience, acceptance, and courage, this individual is likely to overcome this stressor and either file a complaint to HR or find a better position working for a kinder employer.
Improve Your Anxiety Coping Skills and Feel Better Today
Don’t let anxiety rule your mind and body. Try one (or more) of these helpful, calming solutions and enjoy a more serene, stress-free life today. From light exercise to regular meditation, there’s bound to be an option that works for your life, body, and mind.
Let’s face it—Life can be complicated and stressful sometimes. But living with anxiety can feel like living with a monster on your back. Everyone has options, and a healing treatment choice may just be the key to a better, happier life.
For more information on health and wellness issues that affect parents and family members, check out our related articles now!