A Marketplace of Fishermen Is the Solution for Own E-commerce

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(Newswire.net — October 26, 2018) — Our planet has limited natural resources. We all know this fact, but despite it, we continue to exploit our planet as an endless source of natural goods. Which impact does this fact have on the seafood industry?

Here we go.

More than 32 billion of tons of the seafood annually are reached illegally, according to Nature Communications science magazine. In fact, more than 30% of seafood, mined by the industries are not reaching its customer because of the poor organization of administration and distribution as well as lack of control.

 Seafood industry experiences losses from year to year because of the product waste. Apart from the economic damages, the ecological situation is aggravated because the damaged products are thrown directly into the sea. At the same time, more than 9 million people die annually from hunger. And we at Yorso want to help by improving the situation with our resources, passion, and expertise.

But there is also some global good news.

According to the stats of the Alaska University, during the last 50 years, the volumes of fish capture worldwide grew six times, from 20 to 120 million tons. Do you think it is reasonable? Seafood industry worldwide develops daily. FAO has initiated projects such as the Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction and the Ethical consumerism Initiative that began to change this situation around the world.


How Yorso Helps the World and Businesses?

In Yorso, we think that the technical progress and rapid technology development might improve the quality of life worldwide.

Briefly, we support the sustainable development goals promoted by FAO. We know that tech can help to fight with hunger and poor ecological conditions. And these are not just words.

But let’s move back to the seafood industry. We know that the main problem of the wholesale fish suppliers is time. They technically cannot wait for the most convenient moment to distribute their product. They cannot stop their capture as well. 

Seafood industry is risky.

And in Yorso we came up with the risk-reduction solution. We launched a platform, like Alibaba, but specialized on the seafood industry. We help fishermens and distributors to find each other. We help them in legal matters such as drafting contracts; in export, we manage the customs clearance and many more. In addition, we help our customers with logistics and transportation. This is our additional rate and the way to monetize our idea.

Yorso is not just a marketplace where we got everything in one place. Our main task is to create the simplest and the most convenient place where buyers can find sellers and vice versa. Thus, we get rid of additional fees and get rid of the chain of intermediaries.

Yorso. What Does It Mean?

Our name, Yorso is an acronym for “Your Remote Sales Office”, and our main offer is the optimization of business processes. Seafood entrepreneurs will get rid of their land-based office after becoming our customer.

Yorso is a system based on the total automatization. Every seller has its own online store within Yorso platform and thus saves the hilarious amount of time and costs on the online store support and advertising investments.

Seriously, you will have no need to keep in-house marketing specialists. It doesn’t matter how specific your offer is. We will find engaged consumers in our base, we will make the initial offers of your product. The only things you need to do is to read and reply on the emails with requests from interested customers. Again, don’t worry about the logistics. We will carry this out.

Why Yorso?

  1. We are reliable. Seafood suppliers pass a strict selection on more than 10 criteria.

  2. Convenient document flow. All the documents necessary for the collaboration are stored in your personal account inside Yorso platform.

  3. We let the final product cost 15% less. We organize the logistics and customs clearance; thus, your product will be delivered faster and cost less.

  4. Your purchases will be 20% more profitable by simply getting rid of the chain of intermediaries.

  5. You will get rid of your marketing department. We will provide you with the stable client flow. Yorso has a flexible system helping to find the right people in right places. Email marketing, calls, exhibitions, push-notifications, ads, and many other marketing instruments help us to provide you with a complete service.

Key Takeaways

  • Yorso is a Russian company that works for the noble and global purposes. We work to help the humanity grow reasonably and responsibly.
  • We are already an international company and we want to work all over the world. Customers from Russia, Morocco, Mauritania, Ecuador, China, GB, EU, USA, Mexico, South Korea, Japan are fully satisfied with the quality of our service.
  • We help to reduce the cost of the final product and increase the profitability of your buying.
  • Yorso will become a universal b2b food marketplace containing fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits by 2019.