Commander One: The best file manager for Mac?

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( — June 7, 2019) — The Finder on Mac is very simple and easy to use. But what if we told you there was a way to make your file management on Mac a whole lot better? What if we told you that there was a file manager available for Mac that will allow you to manage all your online and offline files together in one simplified place and manner meanwhile giving you the ability to speed up your operations and also adding more space to Mac. And all this from a file manager.

You’d think we’re lying, but we’re simply quoting some of the features of Commander One, a simple yet intuitive file manager available for Mac. Commander One brings users the power to mount their online storage onto the software and then manage all their online files from one place, regardless of which cloud service you use, be it Google Drive, OneDrive or any one of the many popular services available.  

Commander One has a whole host of cool features like being able to run terminal commands right from its window to be able to zip and unzip files without needing an external tool like WinRAR. Commander One does have a whole host of other features that we will take a look at now…

Features that make it work for Commander One

The ability to run endless tabs side by side

Folder Management is a fairly simple task if you run it efficiently and regularly, but if you’re anything like the other half of the population, chances are that you have stuff littered all over the place, this can be extremely tough to manage if you’re using the built-in Finder, but with Commander One all this becomes child’s play. With it, not only do you have the ability to have two panels running side by side but each individual panel can also have unlimited tabs open at any given time so that you can have multiple folders open and running at once. Similar to a browser, you can also have Commander One save up all your History and set favorites for quick access.

File Operation Queue is a brilliant little window that jumps up whenever you queue up any operations like copy, paste or moving files to different locations.

Access all your cloud storage in one place and use it as local storage

With Cloud computing being what it is today, we’ve all got our files stored up on different locations all across the internet. Commander One aims to bring an end to that, regardless of what service you use Commander One can mount it onto your local storage and let you access it all from one location. Here’s a list of supported cloud services:

  1. Amazon S3

  2. OneDrive

  3. Google Drive

  4. Dropbox

  5. WebDAV

Alongside these sites, Commander One also has the power to sync in data from all your remote servers using the built-in FTP client. This allows you to connect to these servers using FTP, SFTP or FTPS. And if you’re worried about the safety of your accounts and passwords, Commander One stores them all locally in the MacOS Keychain.

An on-hand mobile transfer suite

With Commander One you won’t even have to worry about downloading and installing different managers to sync up all your data from mobile devices. iPhones, Android devices and even cameras are all supported and you can use various tools to get all your data onto your device.

Customization options

Commander One isn’t as strict as the name sounds, it gives all users the ability to switch up and make their app look just the way they want it to. Choose from a host of colors, fonts, and themes to truly customize Commander One.

Commander One is available for free download on their website, they also offer a PRO version which comes in with certain additional features priced at $24. Check it all out on their website!