(Newswire.net — January 29, 2015) Las Vegas, NV — Athletic Greens, a premium nutritional supplement company, has just released their newest video and it discusses how their greens supplement can help detoxify the body. After years of unhealthy eating, drinking caffeine, and consuming a few too many alcoholic beverages people find that their digestive tract is not functioning properly. Additionally, all these toxins overwhelm the body and make it difficult for people to lose weight and ultimately makes weight loss nearly impossible. There are two primary reasons people detox their bodies; to kick start a diet program or to reboot the body’s detox system and restore it to optimal functionality. Anyone who is considering a detox diet cleansing program should consider supplementing with Athletic Greens to avoid a nutrient deficiency.
Part of any detox plan includes consuming green to eliminate the harmful toxins that have built up in the body. Supplements like Athletic Greens further detoxify and protect the body with their plant, fruit, and herb ingredients. Each serving of their premium superfood cocktail provides the antioxidant equivalent of ten to twelve servings of fruit and vegetables. When added to smoothies, or just with water, the combination of ingredients in Athletic Greens forms a natural detox shake that will cleanse and nourish the body. In total this greens supplement has seventy five carefully whole food sourced ingredients in optimal amounts.
This results in a product that will do more than just help a person restart their detox system. With the addition of digestive enzymes Athletic Greens will help the body break down and absorb the nutrients from the foods people are eating. This helps prevent nutrient deficiencies as well as making sure people are getting the necessary vitamins during this detox period. Also by including prebiotics and probiotics in Athletic Greens people will experience vastly improved gut health and overall digestion. Athletic Greens has a naturally sweet taste and can easily be mixed into a smoothie or water. Here they share their favorite detox smoothie recipe:
Amazing Mango-Yogurt Protein Detox Smoothie:
¼ cup mango cubes
¼ cup vanilla Greek yogurt
1 cup skim, almond, or coconut milk
2 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1 serving of Athletic Greens powder
4-6 ice cubes
Starting off every morning with this nutritional green detox smoothie will get the body’s digestive tract rebooted and performing at optimal health. By combining all the necessary detox vegetable, herb, and fruit ingredients Athletic Greens is able to deliver much more detoxifying power then one containing just three or four ingredients. As a result of the ingredients being whole food sourced, in their natural form, the body is able to recognize and fully absorb them so no nutrients are being wasted.
To learn more about Athletic Greens and what it can do the body’s detox system grab their free report available at www.ultimateenergyguide.com