(Newswire.net — November 20, 2019) –The digital era has remarkably established itself in consumer shopping trends. According to Statista, retail e-commerce sales worldwide are forecast to more than double between 2018 and 2023, surpassing 6.5 trillion U.S. dollars in 2023. There is no surprise that online shopping is so quickly taking over — there is a luxurious ease in buying your necessities straight from your living room. Online shopping is a predictably heightened luxury during the holiday season. Nothing is worse than waiting on long lines at department stores or fighting over parking spaces at a crowded mall.
Even with the innovation of online shopping, buying for the holiday season can still feel like a pain. With new technology constantly emerging, you would think there would be a more advanced solution to holiday shopping by now. If you can meet your future spouse just by swiping right on an app or order food to your door with a touch of a button, then there has to be an easier way to holiday shop, right? A way to shop not only straight from your home, but to also know exactly what gifts your loved ones want because they chose it themselves.
Well, guess what? There is!
Online gift registries are not only for newlyweds and parents. An increased number of singles and families are going digital in their lists to Santa and setting up holiday gift registries. It is so simple and best of all, it keeps you out of those long lines at the checkout counters.
So, how does it work? A holiday wish list can be opened up at almost any store, as more and more shops realize the benefit of registries to their customers.
At MyRegistry.com, your holiday wish list is universal, and you can add items from any store in the world onto one list and share it through social media, e-cards or a simple link.
The advantages of a holiday wish list is evident. If you have kids, a holiday registry works to ward off those embarrassing conversations with family members, telling them what to buy. Plus, putting aside some time to create a holiday wish list together means more quality time with your kids. Saving time when you go holiday shopping later will also give you more time with your little ones.
It’s not always easy to be a good gift giver. For those of you with a spouse or boyfriend that just can’t get it right in the gift department, make it easy for him. Leaving a page open from a magazine of your favorite handbag or shoes may be a nice, subtle hint, but spelling it out on a wish list makes it so you REALLY get what you want..
There may be some people saying “it isn’t polite to ask for things” or “this is not in the spirit of the holiday season”, but I say it is exactly in the spirit of the season. It’s like a high tech version of the letters we wrote to Santa as kids. What could be more in the spirit of the season that that?