(Newswire.net — May 3, 2017) — The most controversial films of all time do not play gently, and therefore, must be approached with caution. Filled with violence, sex and crude language, many of the films listed below have been banned by parents, religious groups and whole countries.
However, a few of them won awards and are wearing the badge of ‘Cult Classic,’ as these infamous motion pictures open our eyes, ears and minds to artistic cinema and dark places people tend to ignore. Here are some of the most controversial films to date, in no particular order.
1. Donnie Darko, 2001
Although this science fiction film does not include violence or sex scenes, its ambiguous meaning has left fans confused; wondering what just unravelled before their eyes. Of course, many explanations can be found on the web, and if you have yet to watch this classic, it’s best to steer clear of them. If you somehow haven’t heard a word about this film and have managed to avoid any synopsises, ‘Donnie Darko’ follows a troubled teenager who is haunted by a figure named ‘Frank,’ who wears a monstrous rabbit costume. The film was critically acclaimed, with critics lauding over the film’s story and acting.
2. Antichrist, 2009
‘Antichrist’ is an English-language Danish experimental horror film written and directed by the notorious Lars von Trier, and starring Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg. The first film in the unofficially titled ‘Depression Trilogy,’ became successful with both critics and audiences, but managed to be deemed as controversial with its unsimulated sex scenes and torture. Without spoiling the film, ‘Antichrist’ is no easy ride and has been described as “an abomination.” However, if you are interested in watching ‘Antichrist’ or other dirty movies on Netflix, check them out here. Von Trier’s other works, ‘Nymphomaniac’ volume 1 and 2 are also available.
3. Cannibal Holocaust, 1980
This Amazonian misadventure caused massive outcry due to its special effects being too realistic. Italian director, Ruggero Deodato, was arrested for murder after a notorious death scene, and due to its mockumentary, found footage style of narrative filmmaking, the director was also charged with making a snuff film.
After its release, ‘Cannibal Holocaust’ was banned in Italy, Australia and several other countries due to its graphic brutality, sexual assault and animal cruelty during filming, but some nations have since revoked the ban. However, some countries still disallow this film to be televised.
4. Peeping Tom, 1960
Michael Powell was a much respected and beloved filmmaker, who produced 15 feature films that are considered prestigious in British film history. However, his release of horror-thriller ‘Peeping Tom,’ marked a surprising change of direction for his career. Critics loathed his film, and Powell quickly found himself cast out from the British film industry, setting back his career before eventually destroying it. This is because of its seemingly misogynistic violence. Powell only mentioned ‘Peeping Tom’ four times in his autobiography, and all mentions were superficial at best.