(Newswire.net — April 15, 2015) — Thanks to the government initiatives, India is gradually emerging as a country empowered by GPS vehicle tracking system at the public sector level. It has already been declared in the Rail Budget, 2015 that the trains will be installed with the GPS trackers.
At the same time, we have learned about the 32-city GPS installation initiative to be implemented on the public transport system, as directed by the Prime Minister’s Office.
The state governments too are adopting this technology for their respective purposes. While Maharashtra will install GPS trackers in the municipal waste dumpers of Mumbai to stop illegal land filling, Delhi government has declared that no taxi will be given a fitness certificate if that does not have a GPS tracker installed.
All these initiatives are highly praiseworthy and indicate a ‘change for good’.
The reverberation of the same has been found recently in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Recently, the Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution (CA&PD) Minister, Mr. Chowdhary Zulfkar Ali has said while addressing the Assembly of the state that to bring more order and transparency in the public distribution system, the vehicles carrying food grains will be installed with the GPS trackers.
Mr. Ali has mentioned that this installation is a part of the modernization initiative to be implemented on the entire food distribution system of the state. He is hopeful that this will definitely put an end to the large-scale pilferage that is occurring in the food grains that reach the state.
We know that cargo theft is a major issue in logistics and the government trucks too are not spared. This has created a forced shortage of food which is affecting the ration distribution system of the state.
We are sure not only J&K, the story is same in all other states of the country.
After the installation is finished, the CA&PD department of the state can track all the food grain trucks from a centrally operated system.
The real-time location data streaming will let them know the exact geo-location of all the trucks on the go. The GPS tracking system will enable them to inquire whether the crew members are violating routes, taking halts at unscheduled locations and helping local food mafias to deplete the load.
The authorities will be able to keep an eye on all the trucks round the clock, at a time, and if any theft attempt is identified, taking immediate action will be easy.
The decision has definitely set an example which we hope will be followed by the other state governments too.