How Does Asbestos Exposure Affect Health?

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( — October 29, 2020) — Asbestos exposure can cause lifelong health problems that may eventually turn fatal, including an array of lung diseases and cancers. If you believe that you have been exposed to asbestos, it’s important to monitor your health for warning signs of illnesses related to this dangerous mineral. You may not know you are suffering from an asbestos-related illness until years after your exposure. Knowing the warning signs and your options, if diagnosed with one, is vital to obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Who is Vulnerable to an Asbestos-Related Disease?

Asbestos-related illnesses generally appear in people who have had long-term exposure to asbestos in the course of their employment. However, naturally-occurring asbestos can also present a health risk that is only now being researched. Asbestos is also used in some consumer products. While it has been largely phased out in the United States, some products may still utilize it or can be contaminated with it.

Generally speaking, people who have been exposed to asbestos under any of the following conditions can be at risk of an asbestos-related illness:

  • Long-term exposure
  • In high concentrations 
  • As a smoker
  • With other lung illnesses
  • If many years have passed since their exposure

According to mesothelioma lawyers Pintas & Mullins, 1.3 million employees in construction and general industry have faced asbestos exposure on the job. If you’ve been exposed to asbestos, it’s essential to obtain a lawyer who can represent you should you decide to sue for damages.

Types of Asbestos-Related Diseases

There are several types of asbestos-related diseases to watch for if you’ve been exposed to the mineral.

Pleural Disease

Pleural disease involves changes in the lung’s membrane that can but don’t always negatively impact respiratory function. The thin lining of the lungs, known as the pleural layer, develop isolated build-ups known as pleural plaques or undergo a process known as diffuse pleural thickening.


Once they are breathed in, asbestos fibers become easily lodged within the lungs. Over time, they will shred sensitive lung tissue, impairing their respiratory function. People suffering from asbestosis will have trouble breathing due to extensive scarring from the asbestos fibers. However, it may take years for them to begin to exhibit symptoms of the disease.

Lung Cancer

Smokers who have been exposed to asbestos are at an elevated risk of developing lung cancer.


This extremely rare cancer develops within the sensitive pleural membrane lining the chest cavity or surrounding the lungs and other organs. There is no specific test to detect mesothelioma, and the disease may not occur for several decades after the initial asbestos exposure.

What Should You Do If You have an Asbestos-Related Disease?

If you believe you have an asbestos-related disease, it’s vital to seek medical care. Doctors can run tests to determine which illness you might have and to rule out other possibilities. Asbestos-related diseases can be costly to care for and often result in reduced earning power for those suffering from them. 

You may be able to obtain a settlement or file a lawsuit related to your asbestos exposure. A qualified lawyer can guide you through this process to help you to receive the maximum award to which you’re entitled.  

Asbestos exposure can cause a lifetime of problems. But, with the right legal help, you can obtain the resources necessary to offset medical costs, lost wages, and the pain and suffering you and your loved ones may endure. Most asbestos cases have a statute of limitations that ends within a year or two after the initial diagnosis of a disease. Act fast once you learn that you have an illness to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.