(Newswire.net — September 8, 2021) — Even if you’re not a fitness enthusiast, you’ve probably heard the phrase gut health by now. You’ve probably also heard that there’s a difference between good and bad gut health. So much so that not having your gut in check can cause a myriad of other health problems. Improved gut health means having the right balance of healthy microbiomes and good bacteria in your stomach. If you’re not sure how to get started, the following tips can put you on the right path.
Reach For the Fiber
Fiber is one nutrient many people don’t get enough of. In addition to regulating your digestive tract, this plant-based nutrient encourages the growth of good bacteria. You can get your daily dose of fiber in whole grains, sweet potatoes, spinach, and carrots. There are also supplements you can add to beverages if you’re not a fan of the above-mentioned vegetables.
An overgrowth of unhealthy flora can cause unpleasant digestive issues. Yogurt, in addition to other fermented foods and drinks, can reduce inflammation and boost good bacteria growth in your digestive tract. Lactobacilli, which is typically found in yogurt, can calm an irritated gastrointestinal tract and possibly ease symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.
Exercise More
Simply put, regular exercise does your body good. If you’ve been living more sedentary, it’s okay to take things slow. Don’t worry if you can’t spend an hour working out. Even walking for 30 minutes a day can improve heart health and boost the production of healthy bacteria in your body, specifically microbiomes.
Snack Smarter
Improving your eating habits doesn’t have to mean giving up all the foods you love. It’s more about finding the right balance between eating healthy and allowing yourself to enjoy your favorite foods in moderation. So, when it comes to snacking, you need to snack smarter. In addition to consuming smaller portions, you should also try different kinds of snacks. For example, a snack crate you can have delivered monthly offers a variety of snacks from around the world. These snacks offer a tasty change from your go-to favorites and also come in smaller portions, which is important for keeping your overall health and weight in check.
Sleep More
Make sure you’re getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. You should also try to keep the same sleep schedule on the weekends as well. If you suffer from insomnia due to stress, try writing down everything you need to do prior to getting into bed. This can help ease your mind and help you fall asleep.
What to Avoid
If you’re having digestive issues, there are things you need to avoid or decrease as much as possible. Alcohol is a known inflammatory, so if you’re having stomach woes, it’s best to avoid it altogether. If you indulge, limit how often and how much you consume. Sugar also plays a role in the development of bad intestinal bacteria and feeling sluggishness. Cut out as much refined sugar as possible and instead, focus on satisfying your sweet tooth with fresh fruit. Stress is another cause of an upset stomach and poor general stress. It can throw your entire body out of whack and make you feel poorly overall. If you’re under a lot of stress, you need to find ways to reduce it.