(Newswire.net — December 1, 2019) — The progress of modern society cannot be imagined without the development of science and technology, without the introduction of technological innovations, but the rapid increase in the role of science and technology as a factor of social transformations actualizes a complex range of ideological, social, ethical and other problems.
At the stage of progress of science and technology when the new technologies are introduced, the spiritual sphere of life has a secondary role, moral values have been lost, which has seriously affected morality in the societies of most states.
Technological innovations have an impact on the social structure of society, namely gambling, which has been popular in all ages. There were always saloons and game rooms, where players spent their time while spending money. In our time, popular institutions are offering online betting, and their number is steadily increasing.
But the more it transforms the world, the more it generates unforeseen social factors that begin to form structures that radically change human life, and it is obvious that humanity is in a dangerous and difficult situation: the destruction of nature continues, inequality in the world of people increases, the scale of consumerism expands, “axiological blindness” progresses, the contradiction between man and technology intensifies, it is possible that the machine will completely replace man in the future, and man will not be able to influence its management.
Due to the advent of technology, on the one hand, people have freed themselves from heavy routine work, but on the other hand, a person does not even have to think about its reflection on the mental and physical ability of a person. Thus, laziness, ignorance, idleness are generated, and society degrades. Maybe a movie about the rise of the machines is not a fiction, and we ought to think it over until the fiction becomes a reality. There is a new class of threats and dangers associated with the formation of the information society.
Due to the Internet, we can buy anything or product in the online store without leaving home. On the one hand, it saves time, but on the other hand, there is a huge danger that a person becomes closed and isolated. Why are there always so much to do and not enough time? People are plunged into the world of the social network. You can see people who keep gadgets in their hands everywhere. People do not even look up, not paying attention to the world around us. We can assume that in the morning, most people begin their day with checking accounts in social networks, looking for news from their friends’ lives and Nonton Film.
It seems to me that modern relationships have a lack of common sense. People meet once or twice a month. They don’t need to meet more often because they spend the whole day texting, sending emoticons, virtual bouquets, or kisses. That something was missing. Do we need a relationship in which there is really so little sincerity? We’ve accepted so many unacceptable things: sitting at the dinner table with a phone in hands arguing via text rather than live communication and sharing every minute of your life to thousands of people on social media.
What have we achieved in this way? The fact is that everyone in our world is constantly lying to each other, the deception of modernity is all relationships, all communication, all feelings, everything around has become not real, fake, people have stopped loving and caring for each other, imitating actions in social networks. The Internet, as expected, does not bring us closer together, but on the contrary, we become more and more lonely. We are together, but everyone is on their own. There are the illusions of communication, the illusions of friendship, and the illusions of life.
It can be concluded that the development of science and technology is indeed a blessing for humanity, but fraught with unforeseen fatal predestinations, affecting all aspects of social life. Not only is the content of labor changing, but significant transformations are taking place in the entire structure of culture and modern civilization. In fact, a new civilization is being born. A man, complicating the world, increasingly calls for such forces that he can no longer control, and that becomes alien to his nature. All this can lead to irreversible catastrophes-environmental, political, spiritual ones that we observe in modern society.
Modern conditions of our society impose special requirements on the creative activity of people. The scientific and technological progress of the last century led society to a huge leap in development, but the world does not stand still, society is developing, growing demands, new challenges arise. Therefore, society needs people with an original view on the current nature of things, uninhibited and receptive to non-standard approaches in solving emerging issues, resolving problem situations in interpersonal communication, able to successfully and effectively implement their ideas in business, management and production.