The Problem of Sustainable Development in Ecological and Economic Systems

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( — December 1, 2019) — Human interaction with nature is one of the most complex and intractable problems of our time. Today, it has become obvious that the tasks of environmental conservation and economic development are interrelated: destroying and depleting the natural environment, it is impossible to ensure sustainable economic development. 

The main subject of ecology is the study of the totality of living organisms interacting with each other and forming a kind of unity with the environment (ecological system), within which the process of transformation of energy and organic matter is carried out. 

A broad front is currently being investigated to establish the limits of permissible loads on the natural environment and the development of comprehensive ways to overcome the emerging objective limits in nature management. The ecological and economic systems are a totality of phenomena that include society as a socio-economic whole (but primarily the economy and technology) and natural resources that are in the relationship of positive feedback in the irrational use of natural resources. 

An example is a rapid development of the economy in the region with large environmental resources and good overall environmental conditions, and vice versa, technologically rapid economic development without taking into account environmental constraints leads to forced stagnation in the economy. The economy has always been aimed at meeting the material needs of society. In the process of evolution, social needs increased, making it necessary to develop the technology further. 

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However, ensuring and maintaining a constant rate of production growth implies an increasing dependence on natural resources. Of course, the available natural and human resources, level of technical knowledge, and system of institutions determine the conditions for the functioning of the economy. Society has always depended on natural resources, but the problem is that this dependence is not taken into account in the economy. 

Man seeks to consume, not to preserve. On the one hand, the economy must develop, but on the other, this development causes harmful consequences for the environment. The conflict between man and nature, which has existed throughout the development of humanity, has acquired a universal character in our time and determined the nature of the economic and environmental problem: economic progress at the expense of ecological regression.

From the economic point of view, the solution to this contradiction is not the complete cessation of economic growth, but the new directions of economic development, combined with environmental development. To take into account both economic and environmental cost and damage indicators, it is necessary to add up the ordinates of both curves. This amount is presented in the form of a total cost curve, reflecting the total (both economic and environmental) losses. Achieving the optimum can be considered one of the most important steps towards sustainable development.

The protection and preservation of natural systems require an understanding of the direct and indirect effects of human activities over long periods of time and in large areas. Simulation computer models are potentially one of the best tools to help people understand the complex functions of ecological and economic systems. One of the directions of environmental economics is a complex, multi-scale, and interdisciplinary approach to the quantitative ecological and economic modeling. 

Thus, the economic approach to environmental problems implies that in assessing the rationality of the production process, it is necessary to take into account both the harm caused to nature and the costs of its elimination. Regions of the world now face the risk of irreversible environmental destruction. 

Management of social and economic systems, inconsistent with the capabilities of the natural environment, its reproductive capacity, and the laws of nature have caused the emergence of trends, whose impact can be withstood by the planet and its population. 

It is necessary to ensure a reasonable (integrated and economic) use of natural resources that meets the environmental characteristics of a certain territory; conduct environmental orientation of economic activity, planning and justification of management decisions, expressed in the progressive directions of interaction between nature and society, environmental certification of workplaces and improvement of product technology. 

The main goals we strive for when “greening” the economy are to reduce the development pressure, maintain the natural potential through self-recovery and the regime of natural processes in nature, reduce losses and provide complex extraction of useful components, the use of waste as a secondary resource. 

In addition to economic solutions, the interaction of economy and ecology should be aimed at achieving the main goal -providing a favorable environment for the whole society, which is possible only with a harmonious economic and environmental approach based on humanistic and moral principles. This approach has already been developed and is called the concept of sustainable development.