(Newswire.net — April 30, 2020) — An international pandemic, the race is fully on to find a cure and reduce the amount of new infections of this unfamiliar virus. Instead of countries in a race against one another, the race is on to beat the virus from claiming more unnecessary deaths.
Along with countries incorporating a lockdown and social distancing, in an attempt to quickly find a cure that could prove beneficial in ending the control that this virus has, artificial intelligence is being included into the fight.
A modern and ever evolving technology, we are fully acquainted with the benefits of AI and the many ways it can be harnessed and used to help us in our daily lives. From our social media experience, the results presented to us on the search results in Google to our braking sensors that prove vital in preventing us from clipping parked cars. But how can AI help fight and find a cure for coronavirus?
We within this article will look at AI and coronavirus and how this form of machine learning can find the much needed cure for the virus that we are all desperate for.
How important is a cure for COVID-19?
As life under lockdown gets ever more familiar and with our once comfortable and sociable lifestyles becoming ever more a distant memory, the only way out of the sanctuary that is our homes is for a cure to be created.
With no country remaining unscathed from the damage that is coronavirus, this virus has no particular care of the age, gender or health of the person it infects. Affecting us all, this invisible enemy needs to be exterminated and this can only be done so through the development of a vaccine.
For life to go back to ‘normal’ as we know it, no amount of social distancing can confirm the reopening of pubs and restaurants. For a full reawakening of all industries, we would require a vaccine to be created that is accessible to all.
AI and Coronavirus, how is it finding a cure?
Discovering the genetic makeup of the virus
One way that AI has proved vital in offering us further information that was previously unaware of this new strain of virus and that is its availability to review its makeup. By looking at how the virus is made up and the different protein involved, this has been achieved through programming artificial intelligence to review the structure of similar viruses
By reviewing, analysing and discovering the exact makeup of the virus, scientists around the world have a clearer understanding of the virus that we are dealing with.
Along with how the virus is made up, we can discover how it attacks the human cells, its weak points and similar cells to other viruses that we have already created a vaccine to treat.
Give clearer guidance when creating a vaccine
Through the power that is artificial intelligence, scientists can receive a helping hand and clearer guidance on how to begin the much needed task of finding a cure. Through the ability of being able to review vast quantities of data, analyse the cells of the virus and seek familiarities in the structure of other viruses, scientists can begin the process of creating a vaccine with more haste. By looking at how we treat other viruses with a similar makeup, we can alter and repurpose other treatments in an attempt to halt the spread of COVID-19.
AI and coronavirus have already highlighted the potential value of antiviral drugs and can be seen in drug companies testing the results through the use of AI.
Review all data surrounding the disease
Unlike the use of humans, artificial intelligence proves valuable in its ability to quickly troll large volumes of data. This skill set of the technology was important at the beginning of the pandemic and helped to alert the world of the emergence of this new virus. AI helped contribute by reviewing Chinese local media and posts online with mention of a new illness, creating respiratory difficulties and affecting the old and weak. By alerting the world of the potential rise of a new virus, many countries used this warning to rapidly prepare, stock up on PPE and lock down their borders.
Now that the virus is fully upon us, still AI doesn’t rest. Instead artificial intelligence can review large piles of data around the world to discover any advances. Whether the developments are in the creation of a cure or a new side effect that previously was not associated with the virus, such as lack of taste and smell. Without AI and coronavirus, scientists and doctors would not be able to keep up with the ever developing progress of the virus, often in a regional or local language.
Test and highlight patients who had previously been exposed to the virus
Another beneficial way that AI is being brought into the fight against COVID-19 and that is to help identify individuals who have been exposed and experienced the virus. With the symptoms of this virus inconsistent, discovering in the cleanup of the virus, who could potentially have antibodies in their symptom could prove useful. Particularly for those on the front line in hospitals, doctors surgeries and care homes. Having this ability to test themselves is only achievable through the role of AI in NHS and can allow staff to go back to work confident that they no longer have the virus and are not a risk to the general public.
With different forms of testing available to discover who has been exposed to the virus, from a blood test to an x-ray of the chest. Test results can be quickly reviewed by AI, this it can do by comparing the results to data and comparing the batch to the set criteria that they have been programmed to find.
Can AI defeat COVID-19?
There is no denying that AI is proving paramount in the fight against COVID-19, can it defeat the deadly virus that is sweeping the world? We can only hope.
When it comes to AI, creating a technology that can quickly develop and learn is only achievable if we too have the understanding. With its understanding limited to the data available, without a clear understanding of what to be looking for, we cannot expect our computers to be able to highlight proteins within the makeup and associate such cells with a vaccine that we have previously used in an attempt to cure a previous virus.
Along with software that is in progress to be able to scan a person, discovering whether they have a fever and if the temperature is line with that of COVID-19. This task is not a simple one. While it may be easy to create a device that can scan the face of an infected person in a lab, getting it to complete the same task on the streets can be a challenge. Let along incorporating the elements of their health, sex or outside humidity before scanning for a potential virus outbreak.
With a set limitation to its usage, we need to be fully aware that AI can help us stand a fighting chance against defeating COVID-19, however cannot do it alone.
With the need to create a cure and a vaccine to help end the reign that is COVID-19, it is hoped that the incorporation of AI can prove useful in speeding up this must needed requirement.
From being able to review and analyse the makeup of this new strain of virus to comparing its makeup to that of related viruses for similarities. This analysing can include the discovery of similarities in previously treated coronavirus’ and whether there is a vaccine available that can be altered before testing to cure and vaccinate vulnerable persons against the virus.
AI is also proving vital in testing and discovering who has been exposed to the virus. Essential for health care workers needing to be confident that they are clear of the virus, this rapid reviewing of data can quickly discover whether they are currently infected, have been infected and if they have built up the correct antibodies.
Although unable to fully defeat the COVID-19, AI is giving us a fighting chance. A useful sidekick in these ever daunting times, without ai and coronavirus, this fight would be dragged out and death tolls would escalate even higher.