(Newswire.net — November 9, 2017) — Since we are very often swamped with adult responsibilities, it does get difficult finding spare time to exercise. Before we realize it, our bellies and love handles grow to enormous proportions, ensuring that our narcissistic sides stay in check. Soon enough, we give up on our dreams of getting abs because our better halves love us regardless of our shapes and sizes.
It is definitely a big problem if you find yourself in that frame of mind. It is because gaining weight has numerous disadvantages. When we become obese, we increase our chances of developing numerous deadly diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, fatty liver disease, kidney disease, and type 2 diabetes etc. Hence, it is of paramount importance for you to shed the extra pounds when you are young and capable. If you are looking for ways to lose weight fast, you have come to the right place. Without beating about the bush any further, here are the top 3 ways to lose weight fast.
1. High Intensity Interval Training Exercises
As its name suggests, HIIT is a broad term for workouts that involve short periods of intense exercise with brief recovery periods. What makes this form of exercise so beneficial is the fact that you can get maximum health benefits in minimal time. In addition to that, HIIT exercise helps burn more calories during and after a workout than other forms of exercises including aerobic training. Basically, your metabolic rate is much higher for hours even after concluding the exercise routine. Athletes have known the benefits of HIIT exercises for a long time and it is time for you to get on board with the training routine too. There isn´t a dearth of HIIT exercise videos uploaded on numerous video streaming platforms. You can easily watch them and perform the exercise routines in the comforts of your home.
2. Follow the nutrisystem program
So, what is the nutrisystem program? In a nutshell, the diverse program, created by a company of the same name, aims to help simplify weight loss by promoting and encouraging people to eat healthy items, limit calorie intake and the consumption of sodium. The month long program offers prepackaged foods. Breakfast includes options such as muffins, granola, pancakes, and oatmeal. Lunch selections include chicken and pasta, tacos, stew, soup, and pizza. For desserts, you can choose from cookies, cake, and brownies. The program also offers plenty of promo code and coupons. Therefore, if you want to lower your food expenses, you must give this program a try.
3. Other tips
It is essential for you to eat a heavy protein-rich breakfast. Doing so considerably reduces your cravings and consumption of calorie throughout the day. You must also avoid consuming sugary drinks and fruit juice if you aim to lose weight. In order to decrease your food consumption, it is advisable for you to drink water around 30 minutes before meals. And, according to reports, poor sleep is one of the biggest causes of weight gain. Therefore, we would suggest you get a good night’s sleep, every night.