(Newswire.net — August 9, 2019) —
What’s on the horizon?
Trends are always difficult to predict. There are many unknown factors to take into consideration and at times it seems as if trends shift at the turn of a tide. However, if one were to factor in certain entities into the equation, patterns do indeed emerge. If one then look at these patterns from a wider perspective, it is possible to spot certain events with a high probability of actually happening, i.e. trends. This holds true for much of society as well as, in this case, the online gambling industry. The online gambling industry is a fast-paced environment and in order to keep up with the changes and stay ahead of the game, you need to look for emerging trends. By keeping track of the best casino platforms or which online games are up and coming, it is possible to have some sense as to where the industry is going. By analysing the online gambling market some trends emerge stronger than others and in order to prepare for 2020, it might be useful and interesting to learn about some of the most obvious ones. The suggestions below are by no means exhaustive and there are surly many more trends on the horizon, however, they might indicate where the industry is heading.
VR – Virtual Reality has been an intriguing element in the online gambling industry for quite some time now and even though it is still in its development stage, things are progressing rapidly. Still too young to be considered a general function, it is still believed that the trend of VR will take hold and come 2020, it will have gotten an even stronger. It is suggested that VR will create a completely new segment in the online gambling industry with specific features aimed at taking the online gambling experience to a whole new level. The element of being able to be in two places at once, i.e. at a fancy casino in Las Vegas while at the same time you are still in the comfort of your own living room, is intriguing to say the least.
Blockchain – Another trend that is noticeable in the coming year is the implementation of Blockchain technology in the online casino industry. By implementing Blockchain technology it is thought that the casino structure will become more trustworthy and there will be absolute fairness when it comes to operators of said casino. Due to the nature of the Blockchain technology, each player can check the random generator algorithm and all the transactions, making it virtually impossible for the house to cheat. The introduction of Blockchain technology is also thought to push forward the entire industry by making it possible for small casinos to enter the market.
Pay in a different way – using crypto currency, such as for instance Bitcoin as a means of payment, payoff and/or as an exchange for standard money is a trend that is evolving alongside the cryptocurrency market itself. Digital currency is standard practise for many and the online casino industry must adapt and meet the demands of the players. This evolvement has been one of the driving force in the creation of new casino formats such as Bitcoin casinos.
eSports Betting – something unheard of only a few short years ago, now, a million-dollar industry that continues to grow in strength. As of 2011 an added legitimacy has been attributed to the sport and in 2016 tournament prize funds earned its winner $20M causing bets to go through the roof. In correlation, eSport betting websites are mushrooming and everyday new alternatives are available which indicate that this trend indeed is here to stay.
Mobile Platforms – this way of engaging in online gambling has become the primary way in which players choose to place their bets. Due to its increased popularity more and more developers focus their efforts on mobile applications. People spend the majority of their day looking at, as well as engaging with their smartphones and this market is too large of an opportunity to miss out on. This market has become such a vast part of the entire industry that many developers choose to only market some games in mobile versions, instead of including website versions as well.
Keep a look out
This list of trends is as previously disclosed by no means exhaustive. They are pretty good indicators though as to where the online gambling industry is headed. Up until now, the offline casinos have been able to operate largely unthreatened by the online casino industry, however, things are starting to change. As more and more people gain access to the internet, opportunities open up for industries such as the online gambling one to reach new markets. Best thing to do is to keep an eye on the market and an ear out for new developments in order to pick up on emerging trends coming in 2020.