What Tech Will Come to Supplement CBD Oil?

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(Newswire.net — October 15, 2019) — CBD is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant that has many health and therapeutic benefits. CBD does not cause psychoactive effects. CBD is widely used by many people throughout the United States. CBD oil can be combined into different products such as drops, CBD infused edibles, and CBD balms. CBD oil is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the marijuana plant. CBD can interact with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. Studies show that CBD oil can help to reduce anxiety. 

In 2018, the FDA approved the first cannabis drug called Epidolex, which contains purified CBD. It is used to treat children with seizure syndromes. Regarding the health benefits of CBD oil, more research must be conducted. Scientists believe that CBD oil can treat other illnesses other than seizures.

Clinical trials are being carried out for the treatment of PTSD and Schizophrenia. It is hard for scientists to get different strains of CBD because of federal laws. You should try to find out more information about the CBD product you want to purchase because sometimes the product may contain unwanted ingredients. 

A Texas company, the National Farms stated that they had a breakthrough in water soluble CBD technology. World Hemp Oil will distribute the water-soluble CBD to manufacturers and retailers. National Farm has created a quality bioavailable CBD. It is the most advanced in the cannabis industry. They used their SonShear technology and emulsification to create nano- emulsion CBD oil droplet around fifty nanometers in size. This allows for the body to absorb CBD ten times faster. The water-soluble CBD does not have any odor or taste. This means that it can be easily infused into other products such as beverages and edibles. 

Bioavailability is the rate at which substance is absorbed into the blood. Oil-water supplements have the challenge to be absorbed. Many of the molecules that are beneficial are not easily absorbed. Sometimes, they are left in the oil drops.

Absorption is below ten percent in CBD products such as edibles that are consumed orally. Therefore, the water-soluble CBD will be an asset to the medical marijuana industry. The absorption rate is higher.

Christopher Cain from World Hemp Oil states that CBD products will benefit greatly from the technology. CBD products such as gels, creams, edibles, and others will be more effective and efficient. Nanotechnology is an effective way to get all the benefits of CBD. Nano CBD oil is more effective than CBD oil. There are few conclusive studies on the effects of nano-CBD oils.

Nanotechnology breaks up the CBD particles into smaller particles. CBD oils that are applied topically take a long time to absorb. As a result, the effect of the product will be prolonged. However, nano-technology soluble CBD is absorbed easily. Nano tech can also make CBD water. It infused regular water with CBD. Our bodies are made up of water, and so nano tech makes CBD water soluble. Nano-CBD is a form of hemp derived. CBD products made from hemp are legal. Hemp usually contains low levels of THC. Also, CBD oils can be derived from marijuana, but it cannot be purchased online. THC is still illegal because it has a psychoactive effect. 

Can a person be addicted to Nano-CBD oil? CBD is non- addictive. Research shows that high doses of CBD are not harmful, but the high dosage does not maximize the benefit. CBD can be used instead of opioids.

Furthermore, CBD oil can be consumed in the form of CBD pills. CBD pill is tightly compressed in a round shape that is an extract from the cannabinoid. It is usually small so that it can absorb easier. The 2018 Farm Bill has allowed the sale of CBD in retail stores. Brightfield Group data shows that the CBD market is estimated to reach almost USD22 billion dollars by 2022. The Bill also enables farmers to grow their hemp. Hemp is not a Schedule 1 drug. Hemp oil can be distributed in America. Also, World Hemp Oil is in the process of getting CBD-rich hemp from farmers in America instead of using CBD from hemp imported from Europe.

There may be some side-effects from the use of CBD oil. Some people’s bodies may be sensitive to CBD oil. Some of the side effects are anxiety, change in appetite, nausea, and dizziness. There is also a concern that CBD oil can cause an increase in liver enzymes, which may lead to an inflammation of the liver. Also, CBD oil is tentative to interact with other medications so you should seek advice from your medical practitioner.

Technology is already employed to supplement CBD oil. Nanotechnology is used to make CBD particles very small so that it can absorb into the bloodstream faster, only time will tell what advancements will come in the future.