(Newswire.net — October 27, 2016) — If you suffer from migraines, then you should know that pain management specialists like Champey Pain Group can now perform Botox injections to reduce the incidences of these headaches. Recently, the Food and Drug Administration has released new information in regards to the effectiveness of Botox for migraine pain. Over 10 percent of the population in the United States will experience a migraine headache that causes intense throbbing or pulsating pain that can last for several hours and this is a new way to help relieve their pain.
What Are the Symptoms of Migraine Headaches?
In many cases, migraine sufferers have these headaches more than 14 days each month, making it difficult to live a normal lifestyle. Some of the symptoms of migraines include:
• Sensitivity to sound
• Nausea
• Sensitivity to light
• Dizziness
• Blurred vision
• Sensitivity to odors
• Seeing flashes of light
• Fatigue
• Fainting
• Vomiting
Who Qualifies for Botox Treatment?
Migraines are debilitating headaches that require specialized treatment, and Botox can deaden certain nerves in the neck or head to eliminate the pain. Pain management specialists can inject Botox at specific intervals for 12 weeks to help the patients who have frequent migraines. Currently, the company that manufactures Botox believes that the treatment is appropriate for individuals who have 15 or more migraines each month. In addition, these headaches have to last four hours or longer, which would disrupt an individual’s daily life.
Treatment With Botox Lasts for Three Months
The treatment plan with Botox includes over 30 injections into a patient’s neck and head at seven predetermined injection sites. With the appropriate treatment schedule, patients will experience fewer headaches for up to 12 weeks. In order for the FDA to approve Botox as a treatment for migraines, researchers completed clinical studies on over 1,300 patients in Europe and North America. In 2010, the research studies were published to inform the public that Botox greatly reduced the cases of migraines for the patients.
What Are the Side Effects of Botox Treatment?
Some patients in the clinical study group reported side effects of neck pain or headaches from the Botox injections. Before undergoing treatment for migraines, a physician will examine a patient and collect a medical history to determine if they have allergies or other medical conditions that prevent using Botox as a treatment. There is a possibility that Botox can travel to other regions of the body, leading to symptoms that are similar to an infection with botulism.
Some of the adverse side effects from Botox include:
• Hoarseness
• Loss of bladder control
• Drooping eyelids
• Blurry vision
• Muscle weakness
• Double vision
• Swallowing difficulties
• Breathing problems
Don’t let migraines take over your life anymore. With these new Botox treatments, you are able to control symptoms and go back to all the daily routines you loved.