(Newswire.net — September 12, 2013) Las Vegas, NV —
The new iPhone5 is out and people are chomping at the bit to have it. Many others have mixed emotions on it. It could be the screen or the touchscreen is a bit slower than the old one, but regardless, you need a change. If you are one who absolutely must have the new iPhone as soon as it hits markets, you may need to dump your current model. We can help with that.
There is more than one way to do this so look at the following options and decide which is best for your old device.
1 – Apple Trade-In
Apple does have their own program. Go to an Apple store and turn in the old phone. You will get a quote for the value, and if you accept, they will credit you with the amount. They will keep your old phone; wipe it clean; you look for the next device you would like.
Note: The device you want has to be in stock and new phones must be in contract.
This is a safe and easy way to exchange, but the price is likely to be less than you like.
2 – Amazon’s Trade-In
Amazon will offer, usually, a bit higher exchange price than Apple. Fill out a form on the device and Amazon.com will send you the packing and shipping materials. In return, you get a gift card equal to the value of the phone.
3 – Walmart’s Trade-In
Walmart is not to be left out of the trade-in club. On September 21, a credit of up to $300.00 is available on an iPhone5 with a new two-year contract from a major provider: AT&T, Verizon or Sprint.
4 – Sell Yourself
This may be your best bet to get the best price; sell your phone directly. This gives you several options. Glyde.com has the best bet on prices. You set the price, and someone has a chance to buy it. Once sold, the money goes to a Glyde account for transfer to a bank. There is an iPhone Upgrade tool also to figure the profit after upgrading.
RebootCharity.org pays for the phone and recycles it. The money is used to “fund volunteers” who work for the charity.
Gamestop offers a great deal on in-store credit. Upwards of $400.00 for a like-new iPhone5 and then purchase any equipment from the retailer.
Do the research before you decide on selling the phone. Think what you want in return for the phone and go with that. The phone’s value is determined by more than one factor, so be aware of this.
Look also into the upgrade programs from the carriers. Jump from T-Mobile, Edge from Verizon and Next from AT&T all allow for regular upgrades. For more great accessories on iphones or iphone5 visit Amazon