(Newswire.net — February 12, 2016) — No matter where you turn in today’s society, it seems like news of robberies, violent crimes and even such things as identity theft are somehow tied in to a criminal’s proclivity towards drug addiction. A common thread woven throughout is that the perpetrator of the crime was looking for money to support his or her habit. However, even though there are numerous programs that will try to treat the syndrome, no one has yet come up with a common cause which makes it all the harder to treat the underlying disease of addiction. That is, until A Forever Recovery, a Michigan Drug Rehab program set out to identify and treat the cause using innovative methods that have proven to be a huge success.
What Is Going On in There?
Having reached a huge level of success through a novel holistic approach at his Manistee facility, Per Wickstrom brought his successful focus to A Forever Recovery where clients and staff work together to identify that part of their inner being that is the ultimate cause for addiction. Although each person may manifest addiction in individual ways, each has a need that isn’t being met otherwise so they seek to find ways to meet those needs without using more traditional methods such as psychoactive drugs and conventional counselling. Although psychiatric help is still an option and still available, Wickstrom’s approach is to lead the client through a series of guided imagery sessions to reach deep inside to find what triggers addiction in that individual.
Chemical Changes within the Brain
What scientists have gleaned over the past several years is that there are chemical reactions to emotional stimuli in the brain. These chemicals are released to help a person cope in times of stress and danger. In some people the brain doesn’t work as it should or insufficient levels of the hormone aren’t released as needed so they substitute ‘feel good drugs’ for these compounds that should be naturally secreted. It has been determined that there are other ways to fool the brain into releasing these substances and unfortunately, pharmaceutical drugs are one of those ways. However, through meditation and self-affirmations it is possible to cause the release of these very same compounds that weren’t released during stress or danger. These ‘feel good’ hormones, or the lack thereof, are what many addictionologists believe are the underlying cause of addiction.
Why Treat the Problem with a Problem?
Per Wickstrom and the staff at A Forever Recovery believe that there are other ways of treating the problem of addiction with another potential problem for addiction. Instead of recommending right off the bat the substitution of one substance for another, they seek to help the addict reach way deep within their own psyche to heal from the inside out. A holistic approach avoids the dangers of using potentially addictive chemical compounds because they don’t believe in treating one problem with another dangerous situation.
So far the results are amazing and as each person begins to find his or her own triggers, they learn to cope without turning to a substance. A Forever Recovery is a forever process, but one that can be learned to be brought back to the ‘real world’ and called upon as often as needed. It is healing that is needed, not a Band-Aid and that’s just what A Forever Recovery has to offer – healing that is a forever journey.