A Published Study Shows Green Tea Cuts Health Risks, Obesity

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(Newswire.net — December 1, 2021) Orlando, FL — Certain beverages like green tea have long been studied due to their therapeutic benefits. These include their ability to combat obesity.

A study was carried out and published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.  

In this research, the investigators found a link between green tea and the reduced risk of obesity and many inflammatory biomarkers. 

More particularly, mice fed with a diet containing 2 percent of green tea extract scored far better than those whose diets were without this therapeutic ingredient. Researchers suggest it could be due to the effects of green tea on gut health. 

This therapeutic ingredient worked in enhancing the beneficial microbes in the intestines of mice, 

and less permeability in the intestinal wall — a condition typically called “leaky gut” in people. 

According to Richard Bruno, this study provides evidence that green tea encourages the growth of good gut bacteria, and that leads to a series of benefits that significantly lower the risk of obesity.

Bruno is the study’s lead author and a professor of human nutrition at The Ohio State University and a member of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.

“The results of studies looking at obesity management so far have been a real mixed bag. Some seem to support green tea for weight loss, but a lot of other research has shown no effect, likely due to the complexity of the diet relative to a number of lifestyle factors. Our goal is to figure out how it prevents weight gain,” he said. 

“This will lead to better health recommendations,” he added.

Obesity is undeniably common today, and it is even considered to be an epidemic, especially in the United States. Poor dietary and lifestyle habits are a major contributor to the high prevalence of this disease.

Aside from green tea, it is also important to nourish the body with certain nutrients that could be helpful for weight management. These include B vitamins that have long been found to deliver a myriad of disease-fighting benefits.

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