ACD’s UTI-Fighting Effects Lack Scientific Support

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( — August 29, 2018) Orlando, FL — Today, more and more health experts warn against the use of antibiotics for urinary tract infections. There are safer alternatives that are gaining attention due to their potential in fighting this type of infection. 

The increasing rate of UTIs continues to alarm experts as it also necessitates the heightened use of antibiotics.

According to researchers, antibiotics can have undesirable effects on the human body. This type of medication kills the E.coli bacteria that cause infection, but it also ends up killing the good ones.

What makes it even more alarming is the antibiotics resistance it causes. Health organizations warn people against antibiotic resistance as it is a growing health threat worldwide. 

Natural remedies like apple cider vinegar have long been used in traditional folk medicine for a range of medicinal purposes. 

In some studies, it has been found that ACV has antimicrobial properties. As a matter of fact, it has long been used in food preservation. While it has antimicrobial properties, its use for UTIs has no scientific support. 

It is worth mentioning that in some studies, ACV has been found to offer promising results in diabetes management. Other studies have also revealed it supports weight loss in rats.

Experts warn against UTIs being left untreated as they can spread to the kidneys and have detrimental effects. Since antibiotics are notoriously known to cause side effects, there are researchers who recommend the use of safer alternatives. 

There are safer alternatives that even physicians recommend, and one is D-Mannose. This is a type of sugar found in cranberry, which is a juice that is widely consumed by many UTI sufferers.

ACD may however be added to cranberry juice in the treatment of the infection. It could also be added to water, which experts strongly recommend the increased intake of. Increasing consumption of water helps in flushing bacteria from the body.

D-Mannose is a widely-resorted-to natural remedy due to its amazing ability to fight off infection. It is a beneficial type of sugar and this means it is not harmful to the body. There are many people who turn to Purest Vantage D-Mannose as a safer alternative to antibiotics. 

According to experts, D-Mannose binds with the E.coli UTI-causing bacteria. This is believed to be how it prevents and treats the infection.

Purest Vantage D-Mannose is popularized widely by the myriad of health benefits it could offer. It is specifically crafted to provide consumers a safe and effective source of D-Mannose.

In addition to being highly potent and pure, it also comes with a complete customer satisfaction guarantee.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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