(Newswire.net — December 7, 2018) — A new marketing software automation collection has been launched by Todd Gross, called Automation Bundle. It includes a range of tools designed to help companies in any niche achieve success online, make more sales, and increase leads to outperform their competition.
More information can be found at: http://letsgolook.at/AutomationBundle.
Included in the bundle are 10 different powerful pieces of software from top marketers in the business. Customers will get all the tools they need to automate their business and marketing efforts – saving money on outsourcing, and cutting the cost of buying the products individually.
Automation Bundle will feature a huge variety of cutting edge tools, streamlining the process of video creation, website design, graphic creation, mailing campaigns and auto responders, SEO solutions, local marketing and lead generation.
This makes the package ideal for any business owner who doesn’t have much web design or marketing experience, or is new to the world of video editing. These processes can take huge amounts of time, which could be spent running the business, so automating them is highly beneficial.
With such a variety of software items available, businesses in any niche and field can take their online presence to the next level while focusing more time on their business.
Video has become the most engaging form of media online, and any company not harnessing its power is running the risk of missing out on sales. Video can grab customers’ attention more effectively than images and text, and what’s more, they’re socially relevant and can be shared easily.
In addition to this, the latest research shows videos on a business landing page can boost conversion by up to 70%. Creating automated videos through Automation Bundle takes all the stress out of this process.
The other software tools all work in tandem with video to help businesses improve their web presence, increase leads, and boost sales.
Full details can be found on the URL above, and additional details are provided at: https://muncheye.com/todd-gross-automation-bundle.