(Newswire.net — August 16, 2016) — Lisa K. Y. Wong, an author, licensed acupuncturist, former user interface designer and currently founder of a startup non-profit, Center for Healing by Design (CHBD), is leading all health-conscious people, outdoor lovers, hikers, and runners in Silicon Valley to join her online for a free donation-based webinar on Saturday, August 27th at 2pm PST, where she will teach how to awaken your inner doctor as she shares her story of how she used simple, effective, and easy-to-learn self-care skills to help herself and fellow hikers resolve high-altitude headaches, breathing and digestion problems on their climb to Mt. Kilimanjaro last summer.
As seen on Fox News, ABC, and CNBC networks, Ms. Wong climbed the highest peak of Africa as a way to launch her global Climb Every Mountain Self-Care Movement (CEMSCM), which aims to realize Dr. Schweitzer’s dream by bringing self-care education to people worldwide, empowering them to discover the self-healing tools that are built-in to the human body. Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Laureate, famous physician, prominent author, and who served in Africa in the latter part of his life, believed that “we are at our best when we give the doctor who resides within each patient a chance to go to work,” “We want to usher in the next phase of human evolution, where people have what they need to climb the ‘mountains’ of their lives, through their body’s own wisdom and healing power”, says Ms. Wong. “On top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, at 19,341 ft above sea level, where the oxygen level is only 45%, I could hardly breathe. Practicing my Healing By DesignTM technique enabled me to breathe normally within 30 minutes, without any medications or equipment.”
In celebrating the first anniversary of the CEMSCM, Ms. Wong and her supporters will be doing a 10K hike on Mt Hamilton, the tallest mountain in Silicon Valley, as part of the Trail Hog running/hiking race on Saturday, September 3, 2016. Ms. Wong will be sharing these same self-care skills with fellow hikers as she passionately does wherever she goes.
The simple, unique practice of self-care developed by Ms. Wong and CHBD distills the wisdom of ancient acupressure techniques and modern medicine into a 3-step process that can dissolve pain, boost the immune system and accelerate healing in the body. It also reveals the miniature ‘maps’ that can be found on every body, and that can lead to healing illness, pain and discomfort. While it sounds simple, it is extremely powerful, as it accesses the body’s profoundly complex network of connections that have been harnessed by acupuncturists for centuries.
“I want to promote self-care literacy around the world, for every age group and within every culture,” says Ms. Wong. “Our self-care methods are so practical and simple that a child can learn them. Yet they’re extremely effective and the results are usually immediate. The more people we reach with these techniques, the more we can improve the health conditions and reduce the suffering of people around the world.”
The Healing By Design Self-Care MethodTM helps thousands of people dissolve pain from head to toe, such as headache and migraine pain, neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, elbow, wrist, knee, ankle, and foot pain. It can also help increase energy and focus, relieve stress, reduce high blood pressure, improve sleep, balance hormones, and accelerates healing in the body. Results are usually felt immediately or within minutes, without drugs or side effects. It can be done anytime, anywhere, without any tools.
“The magnificent design of the human body includes warning buttons and indicator signals just like the dashboard of a car or the control panel of a computer,” Wong continues. “It also gives us clues about what acupressure points to use to relieve symptoms and conditions, often in just minutes. And yet, it costs nothing! By teaching people about the self-healing power of the body and giving them the means to activate that power, we can bring new hope and tremendous relief to millions at virtually no expense.”
Since July 2015, over 1000 people in Tanzania, Africa, as well as Silicon Valley, California, people from all walks of life have benefited from this movement, including orphans and pre-school kids, hikers and mountain guides, as well as healthcare professionals and elderly. The CHBD’s goal is to educate and empower at least one million people, kids and adults, in 20 countries with preventive self-care and self-healing education by January 1st, 2020.
“Parents who are planning for or having young children, are especially encouraged to join the movement, as we hope to empower our future generation. We believe that self-care is the next evolution in health care!” says Ms. Wong.
“As we are a non-profit in the infancy stage, we are climbing an even higher mountain. But with the help of a strong board of directors and advisors, as well as a supportive community who embraces our vision, we are confident that we will overcome our challenges.” Among the board of directors and advisors of CHBD include Mike Assum, former president of the Boys and Girls Club of America at Monterey County and founding president of the world-renowned ChallengeDay.org, Sarah Arnold, M.D., Janice Moy, M.D., and Robert Johnson, visionary strategist who works with high performance teams such as Duke University CE network of educators, Samson Cheung, PhD., quantum engineer at NASA, Julie DeVito, clinical psychologist, Daniel E. Greene, CPA, and Garlenia Davis, community activist for health and wellness. CHBD is also a part of a coalition of new non-profits helped launched by the Power of Purpose, led by Sherry Watson, one of the top non-profits experts in the country, to change America and the world. CHBD is seeking donations, volunteers, sponsors and partners to help spread its message and make a difference in people’s lives.
David Meltzer, CEO of Sports 1 Marketing, national and international #1 best-selling author (Connected to Goodness and Compassionate Capitalism), and advisor to CHBD, is an advocate for self-care and believes that, “self-care practice is one of the fundamental principles and skills for success in sports, in business, and in life.”
CHBD is hoping to raise $10,000 from this campaign. The funds raised will go to developing self-care curriculum, conducting live workshops and online webinars to communities in Silicon Valley and beyond, including K-12 schools in Africa.
As a fundraiser, CHBD is selling Izumio water online, the best-selling hydrogenized water in Japan and Asia. As Ms. Wong teaches you the Healing By DesignTM method to operate “the control panels” of your body, the only vehicle you drive through life with, she also urges you to pay attention to what “gasoline” you put into your body. Izumio water is liken to the high octane gasoline for your body, designed to help your body heal. Research study has proven Izumio water’s ability to powerfully improve energy efficiency and athletic performance during sports activities and speed up recovery time afterwards as well as other amazing healing benefits.
To sign up for Ms. Wong’s Pre-Hike Webinar, visit: www.CenterForHealingByDesign.org
To register for the Trail Hog 10K hike on Sept 3rd, go to: http://brazenracing.com/r/trailhog.html (Be sure to email Lisa at lisa@CenterForHealingByDesign.org to let us know you will be joining us!)
To give a financial tax-deductible donation and help Center for Healing By Design reach its goals, go to: www.CenterForHealingByDesign.org. Real Estate donations are also accepted.
To become a volunteer, sponsor or partner in Center for Healing By Design’s worthwhile efforts, contact Lisa at lisa@CenterForHealingByDesign.org.
About Center for Healing By Design:
Center for Healing By Design, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization based in Saratoga, California, is dedicated to improve the health of the world population by inspiring, educating, and empowering individuals of all ages with simple, inexpensive self-care and self-healing practices through educational products and programs focusing on awakening people to the wisdom and power of their “inner doctor” to promote health, prevent disease, and maintain optimal wellness.
About Izumio water:
Izumio water is an innovative, cutting-edge health supplement made available from Naturally Plus, a global healthcare company that promotes wellness and healthy living worldwide through superior nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices. Visit healingbydesign.npusashop.com for more information about Izumio’s health benefits. All proceeds from purchases made on this website will benefit Center for Healing By Design.
About Power of Purpose:
The Power of Purpose is a national leader in developing best-of-breed non-profit corporations that serve people and communities.
About Brazen Racing:
Brazen Racing organizes running and walking events all over the greater San Francisco Bay Area.