Caleb Laieski Petitions to Stop Arctic Drilling

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( — January 27, 2016) Huntington Beach, California — Recognized LGBT activist Caleb Laieski has recently lent his formidable advocacy talents to an environmental issue that threatens the ecosystems of the Arctic. He created a petition to stop the Shell Oil Company’s plans to conduct oil drilling in the Arctic region, encouraging local, state, and Federal officials to block these plans and cancel pending permits for the project. Environmental groups have long warned that oil drilling in this ecologically-sensitive area has a high chance of a major oil spill, and Caleb is doing everything in his power to raise awareness of the danger. “Shell has a drilling machine ready to leave the Port of Seattle,” says Caleb. “We need to stand together and act to stop this exploratory drilling project.” 

Caleb has a long and celebrated history of activism, starting at age 16 when he was bullied at his high school in Arizona. Forced to leave the school because administrators there were indifferent to the plight of LGBT teens in the system, he later filed notice with school administrators throughout Arizona as well as local and state lawmakers that he would bring a lawsuit to protect himself and other students being harassed by bullies. His efforts led to the school district to change its policies in order to protect the students it was responsible for. Read about when he met President Obama here

Since those first forays into activism, Laieski has moved onto the national stage, helping to build support for a variety of causes through his work. His petitions on receive an incredible amount of attention, and his tireless visits to Washington, D.C. to meet with Federal legislators and the President have earned him a well-deserved reputation as someone passionate about the causes he advocates for. By petitioning to block Shell’s Arctic drilling project, he hopes to protect the unique ecosystems found in the region. “With so much risk involved in oil drilling explorations in the Arctic zone, it’s important for us to do whatever we can to stop these projects,” says Caleb. “We have the power to make our voices heard around the world, and I will not stop my work until the environment is safe from dangerous drilling projects.” To learn more about Caleb and his history supporting LGBT and environmental efforts, visit

Read about another initiative Caleb took part in:


Noted activist Caleb Laieski has earned a reputation for championing LGBT causes, working tirelessly to develop support for anti-bullying and non-discrimination protections for students throughout the country.  Caleb has met with the President of the United States and with hundreds of legislators on the state and Federal levels to build awareness and advocacy for the Student Non-Discrimination Act, sharing his own personal experiences and encouraging others to stand up for their rights.

C. Laieski

16400 Pacific Coast Highway
Huntington Beach, California 92834
United States
(202) 754-2268