Salt Lake City, Utah – April 20, 2011 It’s been sad to watch children’s products disappear from shelves in places like the Deseret Industries and Goodwill (they no longer sell baby equipment and most toys) after the implementation of the Children’s Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). These products have become very scarce commodities as they’re being destroyed by thrift stores rather than resold because of the potential criminal and civil liability under the CPSIA. This flies in the face of logic, as millions of families struggle to provide for their children. The elimination of many types of used children’s products has hit American families very hard.
Millions of products will continue to be destroyed unless the law is changed. For example, in July, it will become illegal to sell or distribute any crib that does not meet the new rigorous safety standards set by the CPSC. That means that any crib made prior to 2011 must be destroyed, rather than be sold or passed to a friend or neighbor. Some used cribs are unsafe, have been recalled, and should be destroyed or retrofitted. But many more are still safe and should and could be reused for many more years.
For one of the first times in history, this law provides for retroactive regulation. A similar standard in another industry – say the used car industry –would make it illegal to sell or distribute any car made prior to this year when they set improved safety standards.
“If a family can’t afford to buy a new crib, apparently the CPSC would rather the baby slept in their bed, in a drawer, or on the floor. Is that really a step forward for child safety?” asks Kid to Kid franchise founder Shauna Sloan. Kid to Kid supports screening for unsafe products that have been recalled, but wants thrift and resale shops to be able to provide safe, gently used products to families on a budget. “The CPSIA law is making that very difficult,” according to Sloan.
Congressman Jim Matheson sits on the House Energy and Commerce committee, which is in control of changes to this legislation. He and the Democratic Congress have been unwilling to even consider changes, including severely restricting input from scientists and experts in the field or from the business community. Many decisions have been based on misinformation and questionable statistics. It’s past time to consider some important changes that will help American families, small business, and the environment” comments Sloan.
These needed changes include eliminating all retroactivity clauses, restricting the scope of products covered by the law, and creating standards using a cost/benefit analysis – which is prohibited under the current law. The CPSIA has cost over $3,000,000,000 so far, with questionable improvement to child safety. “$3 billion dollars could have been much better spent improving our education system or providing assistance to needy families,” suggests Sloan.
Shauna Sloan, Kid to Kid Franchise System
801-359-0071 ext 106 or cell 801-419-5779
Shauna Sloan is a Salt Lake City resident and mother of six children. She is the founder of Kid to Kid, an 85 store international children’s resale franchise. She has been honored as NAWBO Woman Business Owner of the Year, as a speaker at National Association of Resale and Thrift Store conferences, and as an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist.