What most individuals do not understand is you do not need to be drunk to receive a DUI, you could just be driving like a maniac and if a police officer sees you it is up to them. The reason why you should know this is because more and more individuals are trying to stand up to dui violations just because they weren’t actually drunk, it was only their driving had been a little impaired. Something you should understand is no matter how low your BAC may be if you are driving erratically and you get even the tiniest amount of alcohol in your blood stream then you’ll be getting a ticket, you could go to jail and you’ll probably have your driver’s permission suspended for an unknown duration.
Something that most people do not know even if they have gotten a felony dui previous is that a dwi yet if it’s reduced to a misdemeanor is still added to the three strike rule.
Another thing you should know regarding DUI’s is that if an officer suspects you of drinking they have the power to pull you over and request that you take a field sobriety test. Something that you have to know about taking this test is you can say, “No”. The problem lies in the reality that if you do say no you will get arrested for non compliance with the officer and you’ll face additional charges than just a DUI. My advice to you or anyone that ever gets pulled over is simpy to take a breathalyzer test is to simply take it. It doesn’t hurt to take the test because the alternative is a whole lot worse. Although the test is embarrassing since you might be standing out in front of a lot of individuals but it is a lot less embarrassing then having to utilize a blood alcohol monitoring system every time you drive someplace.
The final thing I want you to understand about a DUI violation is that there are many things that could happen to you such as jail time, large fines, probation and more but the nice thing is that with the proper legal representation you’ll be able to have a lot of that stuff reduced. The one thing you need to know about having jail time and stuff like that reduced is that it’ll just happen the first time, once you’re caught driving while intoxicated for a next time you will be referred to as a habitual offender which means judges should for real crack down on you and make certain you never drink and drive again.
Mr. Brown is an expert and extensively published journalist on the subject of stop drinking. For additional information dealing with penalties for drunk driving, visit our web site.