“Claim Your ERC Recovery” has launched an expanded pandemic relief eligibility assessment and rebate application service that helps employers to claim and maximize their rebates before the program’s deadline.
Using a CPA team dedicated exclusively to completing Employee Retention Credit (ERC) applications, “Claim Your ERC Recovery” has launched a new fast eligibility assessment in addition to its rebate application service that is open to any US-based business that had staff on the payroll during the recent pandemic.
More information about the specialist CPA team, fast eligibility assessment, and rebate application process can be found at https://claimyourercrecovery.com
The new eligibility test asks only 10 simple questions, carries no cost or obligation, and does not require any proprietary business information. The assessment is available to any employer that had between 5 and 500 W-2 employees on the payroll during 2020 and 2021, including startups, new businesses founded during the pandemic, and non-profit organizations.
With the most recent changes to the ERC program’s maximum allowable rebates, “Claim Your ERC Recovery” can now help employers claim up to $26,000 per employee, with no upper limit on funding. This money is a reimbursement from the federal government for wages paid during the pandemic, it is not a loan or deferral and never requires repayment.
The new eligibility assessment can also help employers to qualify if they have already received loans through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), or have already claimed rebates for 2020. The assessment can also provide no-cost estimates on the amount of funding a business may have available, though these are estimates only.
After completing the eligibility assessment, qualifying employers will receive a link to a 15 Minute Refund program, which is offered by the ERC CPA team. This rebate application service guarantees every employer their maximum allowable rebate from the federal government, with a time commitment of 15 minutes or less from the business owner.
The entire program is provided with no risk, and no up-front fees, to allow equal access to all employers. No business will be charged until after it has received a rebate amount, and if it does not receive a rebate for any reason, it will not be charged at all.
More information about the maximum allowable rebate, fast eligibility assessment, and 15 Minute Refund program can be found at https://claimyourercrecovery.com