(Newswire.net — March 30, 2013) Hamburg, Germany –The special fabric allows the sunlight to go through it so that you get an all-over tan with no more tan lines! The swimwear comes in different colours and designs and at the moment there are also some great discount vouchers for you to try out the swimwear.
The swimsuits fabric are made from Microsol and MicrosolV and are specially designed to let you tan at the same rate as an SPF6 factor sunscreen would. The fabric is light but not see through and they can be put into the washing machine. There’s no need for any messy self tanning lotions to be put on anymore and they dry quickly when you come out of the water. You can purchase tan-through t shirts as well from tanthrough online shop.
Go online at Cooltan Tan-Through company and see the photos images of the products, which include bikinis, swimsuits and tops. There are also other products such as racer suits, board shorts and surf apparel. All the products are made in the USA, and at the moment they are giving you discount vouchers to cut down the cost of delivery. All the products are ideal for holidays and also for the whole of summer on days out etc. You can slip them into your bag and get them out when needed.
The fabric has microscopic hole in it that lets the suns rays through and this is what lets you get an all over tan. However the swimsuits do have a lining in the front panel so they arn’t see through when wet.Should you not be happy with the products then you can always exchange or return them. The fabric actually has a cooling effect on your skin so you won’t feel the sun hitting down on you at all.
So no more worry about tanning lines! This is a truly great product that is innovative and fashionable. Now you can get your perfect tan, with Tanthrough.com and be the envy of your friends with your all over tan. Check out the tanthrough onlineshop and be the first of your friends to try out these fantastic products. You have nothing to lose, ( except your tan lines ) and everything to gain!