Denver Used Car Dealer Announces 33 Point Vehicle Inspection Program

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( — June 5, 2013) Denver, CO — Consumers looking to purchase a used car that is no longer covered by the original vehicle manufacturer new car warranty are often concerned about the real condition of the car, truck or SUV they are looking to purchase. Most consumers are not qualified to determine if there are mechanical or safety concerns. In fact the Federal Trade Commission recommends that before a buying a used car it should be examined using an inspection checklist. “Quality remains top of mind for car buyers for the third year running, with almost double the amount of respondents choosing it over price as influencing a car-buying decision, according to a recent telephone survey”

Many used car dealers acquire vehicles at the local automobile auctions and resell the cars with little to no work done. A fast buck for a buy and flip with no concern for repeat customers and long term reputation. Watch out for the old: buyer beware the car is sold “as is”. The truth is a comprehensive review on all cars are needed, especially older autos no longer under the factory warranty. Saeid Ghaemi the owner of Econo Auto Sales says “With over 25 years selling used cars in Denver, we see this concern on a daily basis at our dealership even more now with the current economy. At our expense we put all cars through this expanded 33 point inspection program. After all it may be a used car, but it is a new car for the buyer. All our cars and trucks come with this written inspection report. This helps with our goal of providing safe and reliable cars and trucks.”

All buyers should do their homework and check for the obvious, such as signs of a previous accident, cracked windshields etc. Are the tires worn, and if so are the tires worn evenly, if not the car may have an alignment issue. Fluid leaks of any kind are another sign of potential problems, which may be minor or potential major repair and expense in the future. Look for a reputable dealer who has been in business for a long time at the same location and offers as much information on the history and current condition of the car before you buy. Inspection reports by qualified mechanics and Carfax reports are a good start.

Customers are looking for safe and reliable previously owned cars. Always ask to see the inspection report. Go over it carefully and make sure you understand if any potential issues have not been resolved and what it means down the road.

For more information contact:

Econo Auto Sales

4404 W Colfax Ave

Denver, CO 80204

Phone: 303-623-1926