(Newswire.net — May 20, 2016) Philadelphia, PA — May 20, 2016) Philadelphia, PA – While statistics vary, the heartache is constant: elder abuse occurs far more often than anyone would like. Most cases stem from adult family members physically, emotionally or financially abusing their own elderly relatives. The recent award by Philadelphia’s Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly (CARIE), recognizing the bravery of Brooke Astor’s grandson in testifying against his father, who abused her, tells us abuse of the elderly crosses all lines of the socio-economic spectrum.
Statistics Aside
The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) readily acknowledges the difficulty in putting an exact figure to the number of abused elderly citizens. One study indicated 2.7 million cases of crimes and violence against the elderly in a five-year period, while another reported that ten percent of elderly American were victims of some kind of abuse. Whether one or one thousand elderly residents of nursing homes are subject to abuse, the number is too high. With those 65 and older on track to be 20 percent of the nation’s population by 2050, the incidents of elder abuse are only going to increase.
Putting statistics aside, the emotional toll of this abuse is devastating. We all dream of living out our “golden years” in tranquility when the reality may be starkly different.
Recognize the Signs
To protect your elderly relatives, recognize the common warning signs of elder abuse, whether within your own home (most abusers are adult males) or in a nursing home or other residential facility. The NCEA notes these and other top indicators:
- Tension between family members, frequent arguments, and conflicts over money
- Sudden changes in alertness
- Unusual depression
- Bruising, pressure marks, abrasions and burns
- Inadvertent self-confessions by abusers that belittle, threaten or demean the elderly
If your elderly relative is in a Philadelphia-area nursing home or residential facility, or you are 65+ resident yourself, laws exist to protect the elderly from negligence and abuse.
Recognizing the warning signs of elder abuse or nursing home abuse is part of the solution. Seeking out lawyers for nursing home abuse is the other component to provide maximum protection for the elderly. If you or someone you care for has shown signs of financial, sexual, physical or emotional abuse, whether at the hands of a family member or nursing home staff, contact the legal team at Ginsburg & Associates. Our lawyers for nursing home abuse cases are experienced and know how to recover compensation for violations of basic civil rights. Protect yourself and your elderly loved one while safeguarding their financial future. Contact Ginsburg & Associates today.
About Ginsburg Law
Ginsburg & Associates personal injury law firm, founded in Philadelphia, PA by Bruce Martin Ginsburg in 1980, has offices in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Several leading personal injury trial attorneys and a knowledgeable legal team specialize in DUI and Dram Shop cases. Mr. Ginsburg and his experienced staff dedicate their time to handling and successfully trying cases in multiple states and federal court systems. Mr. Ginsburg is licensed to practice in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Colorado and California.
Ginsburg Law
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United States
(215) 564-4400