(Newswire.net — February 15, 2013) Chelyabinsk, Russia — On February 15th 2013 a fairly large asteroid hit west side of Siberia in Chelyabinsk, Russia and where got injured over 1100 people and 3000 buildings.
We have collected a lot of information from different sources about what has been told about the meteor fall in Chelyabinsk, Russia.
What has really happened on Ferbruary 15th in the Chelyabinsk area, Russia?
As we look into some details we discover some surprising news.
Q. Could this morning’s meteorite shower be predicted?
A. Russians – this was “not expected”. And “Unlike in the case of an incoming missile, the trajectory of a meteor or a small asteroid cannot be predicted. Classical astronomical methods of trajectory measurement are simply not applicable to heavenly bodies smaller than 100 meters across. What is more, given the technology to date, you cannot intercept or destroy an incoming space rock or ice chunk.”- The Voice Of Russia
Just to say that “ice chunk” was ~50ft wide.
This was followed up by one Russian politician who said “the event was not a meteor shower but a US weapons test”. (Russia’s Interfax)
As you can clearly see from the picture below that a trajectory of meteor DA14 was in the satellite’s area.
Q. Was the smaller asteroid piece of DA14?
A. No answer yet.
Q. But why this meteor was not destroyed by Russian missile?
A. There is no answer yet.
A little bit of history, about a year ago two Russian politicians, NATO Ambassador Dmitry Rogozin and head of the National Security Council Nikolai Patrushev, raised the space impact issue at meetings with their Western counterparts. They argued that joint action against threats from space would constitute a useful alternative to wasteful missile defense programs.
But nobody took it seriously.
More from BBC News and scientist Simon Green. Watch the video on the right.
Q. How many times Russian government needs to be warn about disaster before it can take proper actions?
What Russian government does to protect their people from natural disaster when it is possible?
Could Russian government really “miss” a falling meteor that size so people can look for a reason to stir up old concerns between Russia, Korea and America?
Chelyabinsk residents reacted unequally. Some residents were scared and running, some had a fun by twitting jokes about that, and some crashed their windows in a hope to get compensation for a new windows installation. The kid in the video keep screaming ” we are under missile attack!”
Tweets show different opinions of people all over the world.
“@Froszti ?????????? – ?????????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ???????????? ???????.” We translate: Americans bum Russians with a help of the meteor. Sad and funny.
Or. -” Something to talk about”. Sad.
– @Darkevador #RussianMeteor. There is no meteor in Russia. This is Mr. Puttin entertains.
Lets hope that both countries can find better ways to work this out.
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