(Newswire.net—February 15, 2013) Fort Lauderdale, FL—German food is so diverse with the different meats that are available in its kitchens. Fowl, beef, and pork along with seafood can be found in abundance on their menus. So what is the situation going on in Europe with horsemeat that has taken the culinary world by its bootstraps? Horsemeat in and of itself is not such a tragedy as long as it is not disguised and masked to be something else, like beef.
The preparation for meat by the food safety policies certainly wants to know what the ingredients are that restaurants and food wholesalers use when selling their food. With regards to horsemeat, the equine painkillers that are often used in horses are problematic as the meat passes through such substances into our gastronomic intestines at the dinner table.
There is such an abundance of delicious meats with German food that resorting to horsemeat is hardly justified. In the United States, the German restaurants that exist are pretty eclectic when it comes to comparing them to other nationalities. As we look carefully at the cream of the crop German restaurants throughout the U.S. we can see the passion and care that is given to making the dishes that separate them from the rest.
In Fort Lauderdale and South Florida, Old Heidelberg has emerged as a German food destination for its authentic German dishes with homemade sauerkraut and red cabbage that is cooked for hours in vats that are done from scratch daily. The meats are fresh and prepared to order as their clientele patronizes them knowing the high standards and quality that they maintain.
Aside from German restaurants having a clean reputation, Old Heidelberg takes this to a whole different level. Their kitchen is scrubbed day after day to keep the patrons and employees happy. Their storage and cooking facilities make it appetizing to the chefs as they prepare for each meal requested. A tour of their kitchen should be a part of this experience at this quaint location.
With Europe in a maelstrom of meat origination, come to Old Heidelberg and ask about their authentic menu items that people crave for. Contact them at: (954) 463-6747 http://germanfoodftlauderdale.com
Old Heidelberg Restaurant
900 SW State Road 84, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
(954) 463-6747
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