Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson Fired – Free Speech Under Attack

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( — December 21, 2013) Portland, OR — Did A&E make a mistake by “censoring” by terminating Phil Robertson?


The internet has exploded with support for free speech rights and reliougious liberty.


Facebook pages and petitions in support of Robertson are shattering records on almost every social media platform.


One A&E boycott campaign had more than 1,000,000 likes in just 24 hours. The public outcry against the Robertson’s suspension is so fierce that Twitter could barely keep up with the “I Stand with Phil” hashtags.


With an incredible influx of support from Americans the Roberson family released a statement thanking many fan’s for their support.


So do we have a first amendment right to free speech?


The US Senate seems to think so, at least for one group.


Even before “Duck Dynasty,” there was another group of people being persecuted for their religious beliefs: members of the U.S. military.


But in a surprisingly bipartisan vote (84-15), the senate approved legislation that included military conscience language, protecting service members. The vote culminated a year long effort to support the troops’ right to speak and act openly on faith issues.


The bill changes the existing law from protecting beliefs to now cover expressions of those beliefs.


Many may wonder why such a move was necessary. It essentially frees members of the military from the fear of retaliation.


Retaliation? From where?


In the last year, many service members have been harassed and even relieved of duty, just for tangibly practicing their faith. Soldiers like MSG Phillip Monk in his video below.



Military members can now breath a sigh a relief that their careers will no longer be threatened just for exercising their first amendment right.


Shouldn’t they have the same rights and benefits of the constitution that they are sworn to “uphold and defend”? 


The bill is still awaiting the Presiden’t s signature.



