A DUI is where you have been driving a car drunk but you can also get one for a few other reasons too. Namely other drugs.
The specific legal offences can be called a variety of things in addition to dui driving.
- OWI Operating while intoxicated.
- DWI Driving while intoxicated
- DUII Driving under intense influence
- OMVI Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.
But it all amounts to the same thing, driving a car while you have some chemical altering your judgment in some way.
Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious danger in the US.
Alcohol is a factor in 39 percent of all care deaths and costs over 51 billion every year in the good old USA.
So… The courts take it very seriously and when someone is caught driving under the influence they tend to hit that person pretty hard.
Now let’s say that you have gotten a DUI and now you need to drive again.
You will probably need to hire an attorney to help you BUT…
There are several things that they can do for you.
Sometimes they can appeal your case. Depending on the circumstances of your original arrest this can be easy or hard. To be honest if you have enough money the attorney can practically challenge the ticket till the prosecutor simply has to give up because he has a lot of other cases on his plate.
Sometimes they can help you get a limited license and then you will be able to drive under specific conditions like to and from home or school.
Sometimes they can get you a plea bargain which lowers your problems.
To get a limited license you will need to show need and you will need to show need and you will have to take some kind of class or rehab depending on your state.