Four-Day Work Week Implementation: Nonprofit Burnout Prevention Guide Updated

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Mind The Gap Consulting, a specialist firm that helps nonprofit organizations increase their funding and impact, has updated its four-day workweek implementation guide to include new case studies and an option to work with Mind The Gap Consulting experts personally, to complete the transition.

In response to several new case studies and trials of the four-day workweek, Mind The Gap Consulting has created its guide, which details the benefits, roadmap, and options for transitioning nonprofit organizations to a four-day week, without reducing their productivity or impact.

More information about the four-day workweek, and Mind The Gap Consulting, can be found in the full guide at

While a four-day workweek has 20% fewer working hours than a traditional workweek, new evidence suggests that it is possible for many businesses to transition to this model without negatively affecting their productivity. The updated guide includes case studies, including details about a multi-continent experiment that suggests that workers experienced less burnout, and their company’s revenue increased.

The guide includes first-hand experiences detailed by Sean Kosofsky, which explore how he implemented a four-day workweek at a US-based national climate change nonprofit and the effects that had on the organization. Kosofsky has worked with a range of nonprofit organizations over the last 30 years and currently specializes in training nonprofit executives.

Though Kosofsky works as a consultant with nonprofits to help them complete the transition smoothly, the guide also includes his four-step process, which can be adapted to suit a variety of business types. The four steps, Assess, Anticipate, Announce, and Adopt, are explained in the guide, and Sean Kosofsky can be contacted through the Mind The Gap website by nonprofits that may require additional assistance.

The updated guide also lists five workplace changes that can help make the transition easier, including strategies to reduce the length of meetings and the overall amount of meetings held. Instead of meetings, the guide suggests that employers may try asynchronous working, which allows employees to listen or read comments from a meeting through technology such as Slack or Google Workspace, and reply when they are able.

Employers can find more details about specific scenarios and potential complications in the Mind The Gap Consulting FAQ section. Interested parties can also contact Mind The Gap Consulting for additional assistance in implementing the four-day workweek, adapting it to a specific office, or optimizing it for a larger team.

The full four-day workweek guide from Mind The Gap Consulting, and details about past work done by Sean Kosofsky, can be found at
