( – January 26, 2013) — Globally the basic commodity known as food is in depletion from the rainy zones to the harsh desert climatic conditions. Human activities have continuously taken center stage in this problem.
As mankind looks towards a future that includes global water and food shortages, mankind needs to be prepared. A food crisis is foreseeable It is therefore crucial to have basic knowledge on how to survive.
One man’s solution and tips on just how to prepare is presented in the book “Food Crisis Survival Guide” by Carl Shepard. This guide provides practical tips on ‘how to prepare for the food shortage crisis’ when disaster strikes at home.
This resource guide provides practical tips on how to prepare for crisis before natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, blizzards and hurricanes happen. Readers will learn the best types of food to store in preparation for a disaster. The text outlines the items that are most likely to sellout in the wake of a disaster helping customers learn what to stockpile in advance at home.
This Food Crisis Survival Guide provides consumers with easy to follow steps on how to survive a crisis. Cultivating your own food is a sure way of having food security. This ultimate food shortage guide includes information on water purification, alternate energy and survival gardening. All of these are key aspects to prepare for in case disaster.
Worldwide over 1 billion people are currently going hungry. Food lines and food shortage is not a thing of the past, it is real even today. Food prices continue to rise. Analysts predict that this number could double in the next forty years. Therefore it is important for people to learn the ways to survive any type of food emergency. From disasters that strike near home to worldwide food shortages caused by natural disasters being prepared is key to survival.
Anyone living in the United States should not ignore the impact of climate change on worldwide food production. From record setting temperatures to increased flooding, major food crops such as wheat and corn have already been impacted by these changes. You may have seen it in your prices at the grocery store.
While many of these shortages have impacted people overseas, the reduction in crop production will soon impact the United States too. It is important to realize a crisis is in the offing and being ready is crucial.
For further information click here “The Food Crisis Survival Guide”